A Haunting

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 Chapter 11: Haunting Memories and Hopeless minds

Eli was running. His heart pounding. He could barely think straight.

Wh-why? No! St-Stop....

...please just stop 

Tommy couldn't be here.

He needed to find James.

He almost made it to the cafeteria, having looked all over the place for James, when he was suddenly grabbed. He couldn't comprehend what was happening till he was shoved into an empty classroom. The green eyed boy was dazed.

His heart was thudding.

A door shutting and a lock springing subconsciously brought tears to Eli's eyes...

“What?” He was standing in the middle of the room. There was some light flooding in but otherwise there were long shadows. He couldn't see the stranger's face.

“Elijah. My don't you look lovely.” The voice was honey sweet with an undertone of viciousness.

Eli froze.

He knew that voice. It brought so many ugly and abandoned memories. So much terror was fitted with that voice. The voice slipped though his skin causing his immobility.

“C'mon on now Elijah, you know you missed me.” There it was again that icy tone disguising itself as sweet.

Somebody that he hated. Somebody that he hated almost as much as his father.

Stop. No!

Eli felt courage from nowhere upon him. “Shut up you bastard!”

The figure was taken back but quickly regained his composure. “My my what do we have here. I don't remember you being this brash, darling.” The being was moving, slowly, closer. His voice squeezing Eli's heart and lungs.

He stayed frozen to the spot. No. He refused to allow this person to get to him. He had to find James.

“Ahhh, I remember now. Milly said you were hanging around the Kindred. So you're whoring yourself around huh? And here I thought we had something special...”

“Sh-shut up.” Eli tried to will his damn body to move.

But the being still had this undeniable power over the young Draxton. Just like that time...

No I don't... STOP!... please stop. Tommy...

“Now now my sweet no need for those words. I'll help you. I'll take care of that Kindred for you, and we can be together."

Just like how we were always meant to be.” Tommy was a small distance from him. Just a couple more steps.

Eli felt like his heart would explode. His eyes widened. “No...” Tommy's face showed confusion. “What was that my darling?”

 “D-don't touch James... Don't you FUCKING GO NEAR HIM!” Eli shouted. The yell echoing in the empty classroom.

“My what do we have here. Protecting the Kindred,” he basically spat the name, “Really it is unbecoming of you."

Tommy quickly slipped back into the snake he was.

"Darling, don't you remember the times we shared. The times where I made you feel like you were someone..." His voice was like a whisper, seeping into Eli's skin. Poisoning him.

Tommy's face was visible now. He looked the same as Eli last saw him. Back two years ago at one of Eli's worst moments of weakness...

Dirty blond hair with muddy brown eyes that showed such maliciousness. He was taller than Eli and much stronger. Before he was expelled, he was on the football team.

Yes, Eli remembered. Those times where he told him how pretty he was. How lovely his voice sounded.  Tommy never kissed him though. He always said that he wanted Eli to be ready.

One night, though, Tommy tried... He tried...

Eli cringed as Tommy was just mere inches away from him.

He wanted to bolt. Wanted to suddenly start kicking Tommy's ass but... even after all this progress he's made, he freezes up at the first sight of someone wanting to hurt him. Always beaten like the helpless puppy he was. 

Oh dear god...

Tommy's uncomfortably cold hands ghosted over Eli's cheek. His very presence made the green-eyed boy want to vomit. No...

Tommy chuckled. Eli could feel himself start to tremble. He whimpered. “Shhh... You'll like it, trust me... We got interrupted last time but not now...” His voice was poison to Eli's body.

Tommy abruptly shoved Eli into the wall. His hands gripping the brown-haired boy's shoulders. His face leaning far to close. “Elijah you're mine...”

Eli felt his heart break. He didn't want to be Tommy's. It didn't feel right. This... It hurt. So much more.

Then Tommy suddenly put his mouth on Eli's.

Eli was struggling. Trying to throw the other male off him. James... being with him felt so much lighter but this... it was like an overcoming force of hatred and maliciousness.

The memories were rushing past him. Taunting. Tommy pushed Eli back into the wall causing him to gasp. Tommy thrust his tongue in Eli's mouth. No... Eli refused. He kept struggling trying to pull Tommy off him.

Then all of the sudden Eli felt one of Tommy's cold hands drift down.

No.... stop...

Eli could feel tears gather. Rushing down his face. Tommy released Eli's lips. His muddy eyes a lit with delight in seeing Eli cry.

He clamped one hand over his mouth. The other holding his arms above his head “Don't scream. If you do I'll kill James” Eli shuddered. James..

He released his hand. Eli complying.

“That's a good little boy...” Eli didn't want this. He knew what would happen if he tried to escape. But maybe...

With as much force, and all the will in this motherfuckin' world, Eli kneed Tommy straight in the groin. “Oof.”

He raced for the door with Tommy down. I refuse to be anybody's puppet!

He got the door unlocked when he was suddenly grabbed and thrown down to the floor.

I'm sorry James... I'm not strong enough...Dammit.

“You little bitch!” Tommy yelled. His eyes frightening. He was breathing heavily. His face, like a hungry monster ready to feast.

Eli stood. Tommy threw a punch, landing one on his right cheek. Eli staggered. Blood dripping from his mouth.

Tommy brought another punch, directly at Eli's ribs. Eli hissed and fell.

A kick.

Eli spat out blood

“You dirty whore!”

Right then the door burst open.

An: (Ugh, this is filled with suckage. * Head desk * So much fail.) GAAAAAH! I'M SO SORRY.... Its just lately I have been getting behind on my writing BUT NOW THIS IS MY TOP PRIORITY... Umm Comments (good or bad) and votes much appreciated .

Again sorry about this shit chapter...

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