Phone Calls?

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      Its was August 2, 2014. The sun was out and everything was calm. I was getting ready to drive home when a phone call had rang in. I walk over and grab the phone. "County sheriff department, how may I help you?" I ask "Ther-re... Bo-d-dyy..." Sounds like a lady, and she sees a body?                      "Ma'am where are you?" "8th street! Come hurry!!" I here fear her voice. Should I bring back up? She sounds nut case from where I hear her from. Is she a mental patient? I can't really tell.. I might need back up. I call          Lexi, "Hey it's late I know, but we have a call.." "Yeah yeah. Come on." She said. I bet she just woke up, she seems cranky. Let's hope she takes it out on the crime scene and not me. Lexi pulls up to the car, "Ready?" "Ready as I will ever be." I said. We drive off and end up at 8th Street. "Where is that lady?" "MADDIE! This isn't a game!" Lexi yelled to me. "It was a real call!" I told her. She nodded in a angry tone. "Let's go," Lexi said "ok.. But that was strange" I keep saying. We end up back where Lexi parked her car. "Bye," and       she waves off to me. My phone rings again. "Maddie, no one will believe you.." The phone call ends. What the heck! Was that! That was ok creepy.. I have to tell Lexi! But. No. You must not she won't believe you.  My phone rings again. AGAIN? I look down at my phone. No it's Heidi, Damon's sister. "Hey! What are you doing tonight?" She asked "Um.. Work." I said lying. But it as half true. "oh. Ok." She said. She hangs up. Wow.. Ok..  I think.

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