01.Oka and Makoto meets

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"Miss Miyu? Can i ask you a favor please?" Karin Hina called her teal-haired student,Saki Miyu. The girl delightfully turned around with a smile. "What is it,Hina-sensei?" She asked,skipping towards her teacher. "Since you were mostly outgoing and very friendly in my class and well.. Nobody else seems to be confident with the offer,we have a transferee today so do you mind showing her around? We don't want her getting lost on her first day here." Karin explained. Saki nodded and grinned. "I'd love to! That is not much work,and i might also gain a new friend."

"Thank you so much,Saki. You're a huge help. Anyways,i have to go now. Thank you again." Karin smiled at her before walking off. Saki felt excited,she hoped that the transferee was a girl and that she wouldn't have trouble because she's too nervous around boys. She sat on a sakura tree facing the gate and waited for an unfamiliar face to arrive.

After a few faces passed her,she gasped when she saw the rare one. She has a scarlet-colored hair that flows around her shoulder,her bangs were really straight and she has brown eyes. Not to mention the cute pink bow-tie at the back of her hair that blended with the color of her hair.

She looked lost,Saki thought. Might as well approach her. "Excuse me! You there!" Miyu ran towards her,but not to fast. The new girl only gave her a small smile. "My name is Saki. Saki Miyu. Welcome to Akademi High. You don't mind if i show you around?" The girl's eyes brightened,like she saw the light glistening at the end of the tunnel.

"Really? I don't mind. Thank you so much! The school looks huge,and very pretty too. I can't wait to start. By the way,I'm Makoto Moe. Just call me Makoto." She introduced herself. "That's great! Nice to meet you,Makoto-chan. Lets go now,shall we? We have a few minutes left before class starts."

Saki showed her where the classrooms are,the bathhouse and the gym. She also showed her the maze at the back of the school together with the gardening area. That made the lightbulb on Saki's mind make a little 'ting!' noise. "Oh! I almost forgot! You can also join clubs here in our school."

"Really?! That's super awesome!" Makoto cheered. "Yup,but you can only join one club at a time. C'mon,lets go back to the school building then i'll show you." Saki grabbed her hand and they ran.

But in the lockers,a girl with purple-colored spiral pigtails walked up to them. "Oh,Hi Miyu! And oh,are you new?" She looked at Makoto and she nodded. "Yes,i'm Makoto. Makoto Moe." The purplette grinned. "I'm Kokona Haruka,nice to meet you."

"I'm showing her around." Saki told her. "Oh? Is that so? Sorry. You two can go now." Kokona moved out of the way and the two chuckled at her silliness. "Its not really a bother,see you later Kokona!" Saki said and they both waved goodbye at her.

"Here is the Photography Club." She pointed to a room filled with photos nailed on the wall and some other cool stuff. "The members here are goofy and loves to have fun."

"Here is the Cooking Club. Kokona and I are joined in here." The room was in a pale pink color. There was a brown table for people who will eat and there was a small kitchen. Everything looks cute. "All the members here are my bestfriends. You can befriend them too!"

"Here is the Art Club." Inside were a small stage for the model they will draw and there were chairs and boards and materials for everyone to draw on. "The members here are very creative."

"Here is the Drama Club." Inside the room were masks,costumes and a small table with gloves. There were also a few chairs around. "I've seen them perform once. They were awesome. They perform on school events."

"The other clubs are not yet opened so lets leave them for awhile and oh,lastly.. Don't freak out,okay?" Saki asked,Makoto nodded reassuringly. But she was confused. "Lastly,Occult Club." Her heart did a flip. She wants to join there!

"There's an Occult Club here?! Man,my dreams just came true!" Makoto squeezed Saki in a tight hug,which confused the tealette for a little and then shook it off with a laugh. "You were too innocent-looking,i didn't suspect that you like dark things? Oh,seems like the president is here."

Inside the room were bones,candles and red carpets. The room was a little dark,which Makoto loved. "Oka,we have a new student." Saki tapped Oka's shoulder,who was busy shuffling through books on the shelves. She has dark blue hair and dark eyes.

"Oh.. Uh.. H-Hi.. My name is Oka.. Oka Ruto.." Oka spoked in a ghostly tone,somehow stuttering. 'Who is this cute girl?' Oka thought. She was attracted. "Hi! My name is Makoto. Makoto Moe. You have an awesome club! Mind if i join?"

Oka blushed. This cute and sweet-looking girl was interested in dark and grotesque stuff? Cool. "You actually..wanted to j-join?" She asked,making sure. Makoto nodded. "Yup. One hundred percent."

'Now,i will see Makoto-sama everyday because she joined!' Oka was perfectly well and still silent looking in the outside,but deep inside,she was fangirling and party crackers seemed to be exploding from inside her. No wonder why she's interested on girls more than boys.

"Great... You're an official m-member now..." She announced and smiled softly. Saki was stunned,never did she once saw Oka smiled. "Oka.." Saki grabbed their attention. "Y-Yes..?" Oka asked,back in her resting lonely face.

"You smiled!" Saki cheered. "Oh,she never smiles?" Makoto raised her brows. "Yeah,so its pretty new to me." Saki nodded.

Oka was now stunned because of herself. As long as she could remember,she only smile on her crushes. Oh yeah,she has a crush on Makoto.

"You should smile more,It suits you." Makoto gave a small smile as her deep loving eyes stared at her ghostly ones. Oka's pale cheeks went red and her heart pounded. 'Did she just..complimented me?'

Before she could say anything like a 'thanks',the bell rang for classes to start. "Its that time of the day again. Guess we should go now." Saki said and prepared to leave. "Thank you so much,Saki for showing me around." Makoto grinned. "You're welcome." Saki grinned back.

"And oh,Oka." Oka shivered when Makoto said her name. "I can't wait to hang out with you more." Oka was once again invaded by her fangirling side. She was resisting the urge to smile and squeeze Makoto into a hug.

"M-Me too..." Those were the only words that left Oka's mouth. Never did she once had a crush that talk to her like that.

"Lets go now!" Saki said and the three girls happily dashed towards their classes. Of course,based in 'deep-inside' emotions,even though her face remained emotionless. Oka is probably the happiest among the three.

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