This is you. girl readers. your name is (Hikua monai) your name is pronounced (Hic-kua) (Moan-eye) age:16 (Friend(s):Amkio & makiya) (Loves to call makiya... maki-saun)
([]=The character's thoughts) (character name: " ....."= when that certain character is talking.)
This is Raminka (rah-mean-kah) Sanoi ( sah-noi) age:16 (Your enemy since kindergarten) (You guys are arch enemies) (She called you hideous hiku-chan ever since that accident when the teacher told you to wait to go to the rest room and you couldn't hold it so you went and pooped your pants.) ~go with it please for my sake~
And then here's me ***** Amiko (ah-mi-co) kiyuki (Kih-you-hee) age:17 { I am and have been friends with you since kindergarten, so i can tell whenever your worried that you start to fiddle and play with your hair and when your lying you can't look me directly in the eyes or sit still.) then there is this guy named hinku aoki that you have a crush on (But it breaks my heart a little bit inside beacuse i...i... i cant even say it but your friend makiya knows.)
Makiya minowa (hikua's friend) age:16 (knows that amiko likes hikua) Makiya:"Ooopise i spilled the beans 0.0" (Likes to call hikua.. Hiku-chaun.)
Feel this moment
FantasyThis is a female anime (y/n) X anime boy me (Jamiko touvh12z ^u^) But in the story my name will be Amiko kiyuki (kai-you-key)