I got tagged here so here it is

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So I got tagged by alicialightsxo !
I tag :


1. You must tag 13 people.
2. Then they  have to reveal 13 facts about themselves.
3. They must answer all questions.
4. No refusing.
5. You can't comment here.
6. They have to post these rules.
7. You post has to have a unique title.
8. This must be done within a week!

13 facts about me:

1. I live in London.
2. I love dogs, I think they're so perfect. And I had three but one died 😔.
3. I can't spend a day without talking to my best friend.
4. I think my new house is haunted.
5. I'm a very active person( you could pretty much see me dancing in the kitchen at 9am making breakfast).
6. I love my job.
7. I've traveled a lot in my life and I love it so much I want to go on holidays again.
8. I love sitting on the window edge during summer nights.
9. My younger brother likes to wind me up.
10. I think my mam is my hero. She's amazing and she gives amazing advice.
11. I suffer from anxiety.
12. I'm a vegan.
13. I always worry about so many things.

Question asked by alicialightsxo :

1. What is your favourite colour?
-my favourite colour is yellow.

2. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
- I'd try to worry less and enjoy more life.

3. What is your best childhood memory ?
-  I don't know which one to chose from haha... But I'd say when I'd play with all my siblings and we would laugh and we were all happy and smiling like normal kids.

4.  What was the last thing you brought from the store?
- Errr... Food wise dates 😂 but non food wise I got some heels for me and dog treats for one of my dog because he was poorly.

5. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
- dates probably 😂 or chocolate 👅

6. If you could only listen to one singer/band for the rest of your life who would it be?
-singer Id say Britney spears and band Id say the Black Eyed Peas...

7. What is your favourite song at the moment?
- Shawn Mendes, stitches 👍🏻

8. What is your favourite tv show ?
-Geordie shore or Eastenders can't decide haha...

9. What was the best present you ever received ?
-Errrr... My dogs !

10. Party animal or homebody ?
-homebody but I love to have fun too!

11.top four places you want to travel to?
-errrr.... I want to go where my best friend lives in the US. I also want to go to China. I want to go to Australia again but this time in Adelaide. And I want to go to Japan.

12. What are your hobbies?
-dancing and singing but I also like to write fics and listen to music. I love playing with my dogs too.

13. How old are you?
-I'm old enough ;)

Questions for the tagged :

1. What's your favourite food?
2. Where do you want to travel to?
3. What do you like the most about yourself?
4. Do you read my fics?
5. What Tv shows do you watch ?
6. Are you in a relationship?
7. What's your biggest achievement so far ?
8. What do you want to do in the future ?
9. How old are you?
10. If you could be another gender  for an hour  tomorrow what would you do?
11. Would you rather freeze the time and enjoy your current life or go straight to the future and see what would happen to you?
12. Has your house ever been haunted ?
13.  Are you a sensitive person?

I got tagged by my friendWhere stories live. Discover now