Muffled Screams {Harry Styles dirty imagine}

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"I dare you to scream." Harry challenged. Fingers danced menacingly up and down your thighs at an increasing rate. Giggles propelled at the tip of your tongue, screams bubbling from the back of your throat. Your lips parted drastically as a forte volume welled in your chest. A gasp was taken but shut down quickly by Harry's lips.

With your mouth already open, he gained easy access rather quickly. Tongues battled for dominance, which he quickly won.

His hips created a deep heat between the district of your legs. Harry's much larger frame pinned you to the plush mattress. The duvet was thrown aside. There would be nothing to separate your bodies - you wanted to be close.

The dress pants that hung on Harry's hips became gripped in your small hands. "Nuh, uh uhh." Harry commanded, slapping your hand away. The sting sent feverish pleasure up your arm, and you wanted to feel it again. "You can't touch." Harry declared, departing his knees from the bed and began fumbling with his zipper. "And if you do," he smirked rather cheekily. "You will be punished."

A delicate smile taunted upon your ruby lips. "What's my punishment if I do?" Knees on either side of you, dipping the bed. Raspy breaths sent tendrils of your hair puffed from your face. A smirk hovered above you.

"That, my dear, is a secret."

Your slim dress was quickly stripped from your body. The absence of the silky material only leaving you aching for the feeling of something else covering your body.

The tie that once was situated flawlessly around Harry's neck became your restraint. Your hands - locked to the bedpost, leaving you exposed and tingling.

Large, slender fingers played tauntingly with the buttons upon a dress shirt. Slowly, they became undone; exposing a toned, bare chest. Your fingers longed to run down the valley of his chest and the firm abs that rested just below.

"Ha-Harry." you pleaded softly. A hand engrossed your mouth harshly. "Did I give you permission to speak?" He snarled, sending goosebumps arising up your skin. You held your breath, never experiencing this side of Harry before was startling to you.

And you liked it.

His teeth grazed your neck in several places, creating marks that were sure to be pretty later. His hand - large and needy - gripped every inch of your steamy body; but he favored your hips. He took them harshly in his calloused hands and lifted them upward to meet his own. A sense of utter excitement buzzed your senses until he pinned them down once more. It was a cycle. He would give you a sample of your true desire before jutting it just out of reach.

"H-" his name began to form on your lips as you pleaded - begged for him to give himself to you. One stunning glance was all it took to cut you off. His eyes, usually a emerald green, were nearly black with lust. A hand roughly placed over your mouth to muffle your moans signified your permission to speak was far from granted.

"Patience." He whispered huskily into your ear. "I'm getting there."

His head was steadily removed as you quieted. He looped his boxers casually with his thumbs, and began the long treck down his legs. You watched with a painful ache. Mouth watering, and hands straining; you let your eyes roam his structure. From the large, broad shoulders to the slim, strong waist, you gazed in awe. You always knew Harry had a beautiful body but you never took time to notice every flawless detail. Every muscle, bone, and tone to his impeccable features.

His skin was hot on yours, and getting very close to the desired place. Heat was everywhere, spreading from your very core to all places imaginable.

You bit your tongue.

He didn't start slow or taunt you with his ways. He thrusted hard, deep, and fast causing white to erupt into vision.

As his hips worked against yours, his mouth found your neck. He drew a thin line with his tongue just behind your ear and blew air softly to the freshly wet patch. You shivered despite the amount of steam present between your firmly pressed bodies.

Your body rocked repeatedly from Harry's repeated thrusts. Small kisses peppered your neck and chest before they molded into bites and scratches. The metallic taste of blood ruptured your taste buds as your teeth broke skin.

His skin slapped against yours in several places as your bodies joined together. You eyes rolled back with every inch your back parted from the bed. "Don't scream yet. I will stop right now if you fucking scream." Harry had almost read your mind. The welling in your chest tightened as you fought the words back with every ounce of concentration your preoccupied body could offer.

Toes curled, vision blurred, and back arched.

Harry smirked in approval.

He went deeper and deeper every time, becoming sloppy with exhaustion and shaky with adrenaline. Small whimpers somehow managed to escape your pursed lips, barely audible under the heavy breaths Harry's mouth gasped for.

"Y/N" He moaned. His rough, demanding and controlling demeanor fading. "Scream for me, baby."

Finally. Every word, thought and feeling came tumbling from your lips at a high volume. Your lungs hissed for air. The fabric of the tie strained repeatedly as your hands lunged against it. Legs trembled from the ominous feeling Harry sparked deep within. And you came.

Shaky, heavy breaths penetrated the air as both of you returned from your high, coming down from the peak of pleasure.

The silky fabric of the tie slipped from your wrists as Harry undid the knot. Lines of restraint decorated the skin where the tie hand bolded.

"That was fun." Harry voiced after a few moments of heavy breathing. His body had collapsed next to yours on the warm bed. The sheets dispersed around your naked bodies. Pillows were everywhere as were articles of clothing. The night sky seeped from the window that was slightly ajar.

Still surprised by his sudden control, you smirked. His naked waist suddenly was trapped between your knees. You eyed the neck tie in your hand with a playful gleam in your eye.

"My turn."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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