Who am I?

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Who am I?

I look calm but only because I stray from what I hate.

I seem patient but hate waiting around.

I don't stay connected and ignore people when I'm down.

I want to be alone but people just stick around.

I am ignored but I want to be.

I can't sit still because I arrive as anxious as I leave.

I chase empty air and honestly don't care.

I hate people but it's cool, they hate me.

I see through story books and live like characters within them.

I can write poems, stories, eulogies.

I didn't seem like I cared but we're all putting up with snakes.

I remember it all but I want to forget those embarrassing situations.

I wasn't a typical kid but now I know no-one was.

I have a family of seven but people only know of five.

I hate my relatives and wish they'd just go away.

I live to leave and have to relearn to breathe.

I don't share secrets but not just because I don't speak.

I ain't really living but that's life.

I dance but all it is is kicking.

I sing but it sounds like a cat is dying.

I react to be ignored.

I am breathing through hollow tubes.

I say thank-you but when I forget the bitches make me regret.

Honestly, I don't really know who I am.

The First Fifty Pages Of Me by NailinthewallWhere stories live. Discover now