Art... Question... Tag... Thingy

296 24 8

1. I am a Self Taught artist.
2. I'm an okay artist.
4. "DRAW MEEEEEE" "Oh, you're an artist? Good luck at McDonalds!" ".... You traced that." "DrAw MeEeE"
5. ..... Minecraft Youtubers, okay....?
6. Classified information, soldier.
7. Both!
8. Just jelly people.
9. Originally my Mom, then some other artists. Right now I really look up to TaxeyCab, SwiftKhaos, Aleatoraye, P00fless (Formally ItsJasie or something like that), Sharkkisser09 (yes you), and Icefire Jaywing.

Tags? Nah.

More art later I swear ;u;

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