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I sat in my new red corvette that my mom bought me for my 15th birthday, and no I don't have a dad. He left when my mom found out she was pregnant at the age of 17. Now I'm in the same predicament which made today sort of a deja vu minus the fact that last time it was my mother whose in my place and I hadn't told my boyfriend yet, and our age difference. Today might of been like any other day except for the fact that I had to break the news to my boyfriend, Nathan. We are just a pair of 15 and 16 year olds. This wasn't suppose to happened, well not like this. At least not until we had already turned 23, gotten married and graduted from high school, and maybe college. I took a deep breathe and grabbed my backpack and my purse and slipped my cellphone into my shorts back pocket. With another deep sigh I opened the car door and headed into the hell hole known as high school.

As I walked in I could feel everyones' eyes' on me. I mean, I was the popular girl who fell for the bad boy with wicked vocals. I walked to my locker and before I had my locker opened my 'girl friends' were around me talking about some party that was going down on Saturday. I ignored them, I mean today was Wednesday and a whiles way before Saturday. I sighed as I shut my locker with my books and purse in hand as I turned to face them. Just then I saw him, walking down the hall towards me, I watched as every girl stopped to stare at him as he walked without glancing at any of them, his eyes glue on me. I smiled as everything around me seemed to dissapear and it was just me and him.

"Ladies." He said to my 'friends' as he took a hold of my hand and dragged me away from them, I didnt even have to turn around to see their faces to know some held lust and others jealousy. I walked hand in hand with him. Not even a few seconds later we stopped, but my heart kept beating at an alarming rate not only because of his perfection, his green eyes that seemed to see into my soul, his beautiful hair that he always hid under a hat or hoodie, his smile that seemed to lighten up a room, but also because I knew I had to tell him soon about situation. Not mistake, because everything happened for a reason. Right?!

"Tierrah? Tierrah? Love?" he called out to me in concern.

"Huh?" He chuckled.

"Are you daydreaming again isn't it too early in the morning?" I blushed and tried to hide my face into his chest, but he held my face between his hands. "Is there something wrong Tierrah? You're awfully quiet today." He pointed out. I looked away.

"Can we talk later? Like after school maybe?" I whispered still not making eye contact.

"Yeah sure. You're not breaking up with me, are you?" He asked, sadness and concern lacing his words. I shook my head thinking, No I'm not breaking up with you but you might break up with me. He sighed in relief and took my hand once again.

"Alright love, come on we have to get to class."

"Since when do you want to go to class?" I asked him.

"Since I wish this day would go by faster so I can take you home and ravish you." I blushed thinking, Isn't that what got us in this predicament in the first place?! But of course he didn't know about it yet. My free hand automatically went to my flat tummy. A smile crossed my face. As we approached the classroom door, I dropped my hand once again.

Soon....soon...All I have to do is wait..wait out this horrid 8 hours. Then I'll tell him, hopefully he doesn't turn out like my dad. I sighed as I took my seat next to him in the back of the class.


Hello Darlings ,

Yes I know I said I wouldn't update until I finished the other stories going on but I really don't know if anyone is liking them so their kind of on hold for a bit and I thought why not update the first chapter?!?!?! Well hopefully you guys like this super short start! Let me know what you think! Feedback is GREATLY appreciated! Don't forget COMMENT, LIKE IT & FAN !!! And UNTIL NEXT TIME!

-Mona Travieza

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