Bad Boy, Good Lips

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*Small Authors note*

This is my first book, sorry for any spelling mistakes :/ hope you all enjoy this book. so yeah :) VOTE!


Have you ever thought 'when I turn 18, I’m moving out of the house' or 'I can’t take my family anymore, I’m out'? Well that’s what’s going through my head at the moment. I’m Jessica Lynn, 19 and I’m pretty sure my whole family hates me, except my brother which is in college in California. Just as I was about to lie down and relax from a long day of packing up, I hear the two voices I’ve been dreading to hear...

"She doesn't deserve to be in this family, she is so stupid and doesn’t know how to do anything right. ARGH"

"Now now Rachel, I’ll make you a cup of coffee to relax but don’t speak of your sister like that, yes she is slow and doesn’t do anything right but she is your sister and she can probably hear you right now"

Damn right I can hear them, not the first time I’ve heard them speak about how worthless I am. It’s not even like my supposed 'mother' cares. I’ve heard her speak about me multiple times. I’ve lost count. Thank the absolute lord I’m not going to-hopefully- every see them ever again! I’m moving to a dorm at my college in Minnesota. I am over the freaking moon. Although I am a little worried. My roommate sounds great, very cheap, from photos, seems to be a very tidy person there is just one problem, my roommate is a guy.

I won’t be letting anyone that, other than my best friend Rebecca, I call her Becca, it’s just shorter. She is moving with me! Sadly not in the same room. Instead, she is a level under mine. We have been best friends ever since year 3. We aren’t part of the 'popular' nor are we part of the 'nerds' we are friends with everyone. Well, almost everyone. We have the one and only Nancy fucking Fitz, queen of all bitches, attending the same college as us. Either way, enough about her, I don’t want to be even angrier or God knows what I’ll do next. 

I need a relaxing shower, a nice hot relaxing shower. vie been sweating all day because of packing my suitcases and I feel dirty. Jumping in the shower I let the hot water run down my body. I squeeze my strawberry scented conditioner into the palm of my hand, massaging it in my hair. Just as I’m about to rinse it out, a loud, obnoxious, ear piercing voice reached my ears.

"JESSICA! hurry up and get out of the shower" she shrieked "I need to be ready in 20 minutes"

She stomped away like the irritating child she is. Now I’m not sure if I heard right, but I’m pretty sure she mumbled a few curse words at the end. Well that was a relaxing shower, hence the sarcasm. Wrapping a towel around my body, I walked to my room, put on my pink blue and yellow duck pajama pants and my tank top that was a couple centimeters above my belly button. I dried my hair and straightened it while messaging becca. Not the smartest idea, I forgot it on a piece of hair for too long and I think it burnt. Oh well, I needed a hair cut any way. My phone buzzed, notifying me that I had received a message. 

This time it wasn’t from Becca, it was an unknown number.

"Hey bro, it’s your new roommate Trenton. I might not be home when you get here; there is a spare key on top of the door frame. Also, I didn't get your name so I hope to meet you, see yak soon"

Cool. But why did he call me bro? That’s what guys call each other. Oh well he probably calls everyone that. Now to get back to my hai-OUCH! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD ouch ouch ouch ouchyyyy AHHHHHH. My straightener just fell on my thigh! Now there is going to be a mark and its going to hurt like a bitch! Ok, breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out. Oh well it doesn't look that bad? Just a tad red. I’m such a drama queen... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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