Firework (justin bieber love story)

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California, the place I loved and grew up. My home town.

"Emily you don't have to do this" My mum wined as I waited outside the airport with my suitcases.

"I know but I want to" I said giving her a hug. She had Mike now, so my loving crazy mother will be taken care of. But still...I know I would miss her deep down inside. My mum and dad split up when I was 4 because they couldn't cope, my dad moved to Canada for work meanwhile I stayed here in California with my mum and her fiancé Mike. I did see my dad every now and then but now that my mum had decided to go travelling with mike, I felt it was time I left them to it. Im 16 now so im sure I can make my own choices, weather there right or not.

"Tell Paul I said hi" My mum mumbled with tears running freely down her checks.

"I will" I let go of her and whipped away her tears

"You can come home whenever you want - I'll come right back as soon as you need me"

"Don't worry about me. I'll be great. I love you, mum." I kissed her goodbye and boarded my plane, saying goodbye to the place I loved and will truly miss.

After a boring and agonising plane ride with a bratty kid kicking me in the back, I grabbed my suitcase and arrived at my new home, Stratford Ontario where my dad, Paul lived. Okay so the weather here in Stratford is something I will have to get used to, snow is the one thing I hate and trading the sunny, sprawling city that I loved for this is going to be hard.

I stepped outside the airport to be greeted by the cold morning breeze, it was currently summer over here in Stratford but I didn't feel like it that was for sure. My dad was waiting for me by his Porsche, I know what you're thinking... that im some rich kid and I get spoilt rotten. Well trust me im not, my dad knows not to spoil me and if anything him being the holder of a important record company means I never get to spend anytime with him.

"It's good to see you, Emily" My dad said taking my suitcase from me and placing it in the back of his car "You haven't changed much. How's Julie?"

"Mum's fine. It's good to see you too, Dad" I answered getting into the passengers seat of his car, My dad pulled away from the airport heading to my new home.

"I got you a welcome home present, well a car" he said chuckling, I looked it him with my mouth opened wide "It's a nice car I know you wanted one of these for a while so I thought now would be the best time"

"Wow, that's really nice dad thanks I really appreciate it" I said smiling wide, Soon enough we arrived at the house, I wouldn't say it was a big house. It had 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms with a small recording studio for my dads work. I got out the car and ran towards my new range rover. It was shiny silver, just what I had been wanting.

"THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO MUCH" is said jumping up and down, my dad chuckled and brought my suitcase up to my room, I took only one trip to get my stuff upstairs. Everything in my room was apart of my childhood...even the rocking chair from my baby days was there. I noticed my dad had placed a new desk with my Mac on it and a new set of wardrobes but other then that my room was still the Blue and badge colour it had always been. I unpacked my clothes and placed them neatly in my wardrobe, I then emailed my mum letting her know I was here.

I walked into the un-suit bathroom and jumped in the shower, getting changed into my skinny jeans and a tank top with my red cardigan, I pulled up my long brown wavy hair into a messy bun and looked at my Bright blue eyes in the mirror. I was never very good at fitting in, at my old school all the boys used to complement my looks but I knew it was only to get in my pants. I grabbed my Iphone and then headed out the door letting my dad know that I was going for a walk.

I walked around Stratford and found a near by skate park, I decided to sit on the swings and began thinking about my new school. I looked to my left to see three teenage boys around the same age as me, I think I recognised one of them but I wasn't too sure. I ignored there staring eyes and drifted back into my little day dream.

"Well hello there sexy" One of the boys slurred, I could smell the beer on his breath. I looked up and realised he was standing next to me, I glanced back over to see the other two lads who were staring at us with annoyed faces. The boy had a pint of beer in one hand and was practically bald

"Err hi" I mumbled trying not to make eye contact, to be honest this boy was not my type so okay he was quite good looking but the beer breath. YUCK.

"Im Ryan but im sure you know that...How about you me go somewhere more... private" he slurred again moving closer to me this time he brought his face closer to mine, Of course it's ryan ive heard of him beofore from my vists here. The school player, my instant reaction was to slap him away. He grabbed the side of his face which was now a deep red.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH" he screamed and walked back cashly to his friends who where in fits of laughter, I couldn't help but stare at one of the boys he had brown her swooping over his face and dark chocolate brown eyes. The boy looked up and noticed me staring so I quickly got up of the swing and decided to head home. I have been here for 4 hours and boys were already trying it on. Great.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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