Valentine's Day Oneshot

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Valentine's Day Oneshot RoguexOC

Hey everyone! My name's Ariana and I thought since Valentine's day is coming up I could post my first fanfic about the holiday! I honestly hate this holiday but an idea popped into my head while at school. So I had to write about it! This is a RoguexOC fanfic. There's  a picture I drew of her with Rogue above, and her name is Emma Akina. I hope you all enjoy! Also sorry if there's a lot of grammatical errors, I try to find any when I read through it. Anyways on to the story!

Rogue's POV

Today is Valentine's day. AKA the worst holiday ever. I've never had a Valentine before, mainly because no one really appealed to me. This year's different however.
I smiled slightly at the thought of her. She was an angel in my eyes.
Her name was Emma.
I was a new student at Fairy Tail Academy last year, and she was apart of the welcoming committee. She gave me a tour of the whole school, I've always thought her smile was a smile of an angel.
I'm a quiet guy, I was never really good at making friends. My best friend's name is Gajeel. (A/N~ HAHA IT'S NOT STING DUN DUN DUN...) Today he's going to confess to Levy McGarden.
I was thinking about whether or not I should leave something for Emma last night. She's helped me out so many times. We're not friends, but she knows of me and I definitely know of her.
She has so many friends she probably doesn't even remember the moments we've had together.
Luckily she wasn't one of those prissy popular girls, in fact she's quite the opposite.
I made up my mind last night that I would leave her a note in her locker, expressing my unbarring love for her.
I would say it was from a secret admirer. She musn't know I sent it. I had wrote a heart at the end, instead of my name.
She sadly has a boyfriend already. Sting Eucliffe. If he knew I sent that he'll beat me to a pulp.
She is so beautiful, inside and out.
The day after my first day, I had bumped into her in the hallway. We both fell to the floor, our stuff flying everywhere.
I thought she would scold me for my careless behavior, but instead she did something else.


She got on her knees and went over to me.
"Oh my gosh are you alright? I'm so sorry I couldn't see where I was going because I had a stack of books with me that I got from the library. You're not hurt right?"
"O-oh yeah I'm fine, it's my fault I was lost in thought while walking to class."
She helped me up and picked up my stuff. She handed it to me with a smile.
"Well I'm glad you're alright, which class are you heading to next?" She asked me while she was picking up her books. I helped her pick up a few and handed them to her.
"U-uh chemistry." I said shyly.
"So am I! We can walk together. Don't worry if we're a little late, I have a few late passes. Take one!"
"T-thanks Emma." I kept stuttering and took one from her.
Ugh she was so breathtaking. I couldn't think straight.
We walked to class together.

-End of flashback-

I sighed happily remembering that day. I came to school early so I could slip my note into her locker, and because I had to study for a geometry test a bit more at the library.
I went to her locker and slipped the note under the crack of the door.
I smiled mischievously and made my way to the library to start studying.

Emma's POV

EEK! Today's Valentine's day!!! I'm so excited!!
I already planned how I was going to greet Sting with his gift I got him. I got him tickets to see Twenty One Pilots! AND OF COURSE CHOCOLATES!!!
Lucy was going to give her gift to Natsu then too. UGH THEY'RE SUCH A CUTE COUPLE.
I was fangirling so much when Natsu told her how he felt. That night Lucy slept over and we squealed all night while eating candy.
I walked to school with Lucy since we're neighbors. We both had our gifts out and ready to hand out.
I was actually carrying a wagon with a boatload of goodies.
For the past month or two I was writing personal notes for everyone in the school, and yesterday I wrapped up all the chocolates and notes together. I was going to give everyone in the school something. Even the teachers! (A/N ~ There's only around 200 people at their school. XD)
I loved giving, and seeing the smile on everyone's faces. Luckily no one had any allergies, and they all love chocolate, SO IT WAS PERFECT!
"Do you need help carrying all of that?" Lucy giggled.
"Oh no I'm fine!" I giggled too.
When we met up this morning to start walking together we handed eachother our presents.
I got her the designer purse she wanted. (A/N ~ Yeah Emma's supposed to be rich in this story.) We both hugged eachother and made our way to the school.
We walked in and I immediately started giving everyone their little goodie bags. They all looked shocked.
I hugged all of them as I went around the school.
I didn't see Sting yet, which was weird because he's always here before me. I shrugged and continued giving out chocolates.
He has been avoiding me lately.. I thought.
I saw Rogue in the library and smiled brightly.
He's so shy, it's kind of cute. I shook my head at the thought and skipped over to him.
I tapped his shoulder.
"Happy Valentine's day Rogue!" I handed him a goodie bag. He looked surprised, his eyes widened. I laughed.
"For-for me?" He asked hesitantly.
"Of course silly!"
"But why?"
"Because why not? It's fun giving to everyone. And seeing that expression on your face made me laugh so hard!"
He laughed and looked away. He turned back to me.
"T-thanks for everything."
"Hey it's no problem! I'll try not to bump into you again." I giggled.

Rogue's POV

I was shocked.
She actually remembered that?!
I smirked. "Yeah and I'll try not to get lost in thought again." We both laughed. She's so kind.
"I have to get going, I still have to give Sting his Twenty One Pilots tickets." She got up from her seat and hugged me.
I stiffened. I never thought I would ever get to hug her. I hugged back.
She smelt like violets.
I wished we could stay like that forever, but she broke the hug and walked away. She turned around.
"Bye Rogue! See you in chemistry!" She waved and walked away with her wagon.
I sighed happily and looked at the chocolate she left for me. I noticed a note was in it and I quickly opened it to read it.

Dear Rogue,

Happy Valentine's Day!! I've known you for almost two years now holy cow! The moments we've had always make me laugh. From when I showed you around the school on the first day to when we had to work together on a mini chemistry project. I consider us friends, and as friends we should get to know eachother more! Here's my number and you can text me! :)
(Insert phone number here)

~Emma :D

She considers me a friend of hers? I could feel heat rising to my face.
This note made my day, I can't wait for her to read hers now! I tucked the note in my pocket.
I can't lose it.. Ever.
I went out of the library. I was about to go to my locker when I heard faint crying coming from the court yard.
I was curious so I went to investigate. My eyes widened at the sight.
It was Emma..

Emma's POV

I was about to go up to Sting and give him his tickets when something stopped me.
I heard giggling in the court yard. It sounded like Sting.
I knew he was the one who left me that beautiful note in my locker, it made me blush just thinking about it.
I smiled, and ran to the court yard. I dropped everything at the sight.
Sting and Yukino... Were KISSING! PASSIONATELY!
I felt my heart sink. I went to Sting, trying to look angry, but sadness quickly overwhelmed me.
"Wha-what is this?!" I asked. I felt tears coming down my face.
"Oh Emma! I forgot to text you last night. We're over." Sting said heartlessly and left the court yard with his armed wrapped around Yukino.
I felt my knees lock and I fell to the ground, crying. I couldn't get up. I just cried like the stupid baby I was.
If he wasn't the one who gave me the note then who was?!
I heard footsteps but ignored them.
"Emma what happened are you ok?" I recognized the voice, it was Rogue! I turned around to face him. Tears messing with my vision.
"N-no... I caught Sting and Yukino kissing.. And when I asked him about it he broke up with me and walked away." I cried more.
I really thought Sting and I could be something unlike any other.. I was wrong...

Rogue's POV

That bastard.... He's going to die for hurting Emma.
Before I knew it Emma held out a note. It was the note I left in her locker.
"I thought he left this for me.. I guess I was wrong.. I don't know who would leave such a beautiful note for me, and I can't even thank them for making my day.." She said quietly.
I embraced her while she cried in my chest. She was clutching the note to her heart.
I hate seeing her cry. It broke my heart.
That's it, I have to tell her I'm the one who wrote the note.
"E-emma?" I said, lost for words.
She let go and looked up at me, wiping tears from her eyes.
"Yes Rogue?"
"I-I'm the one who left the note in your locker..." I trailed off and looked away. I gulped. Waiting for the rejection. It's going to hurt, a lot.
"You feel that way about me?" She asked.
I looked back at her. She was as red as my classmate Erza Scarlet's hair.
"I have since the day we met..." I said shyly. Her eyes widened. She quickly got to her knees. She hugged me tightly. I hugged her back.
"There were some days when I thought I liked you too.. I pushed them away, because of course I was with Sting. But right now I know I did have feelings for you." She said.
I was so shocked. Millions of thoughts ran through my head.
She let go of me, I opened my mouth to speak but she... She kissed me... I stiffened at first but I kissed her back.
She tasted like strawberries..
She broke the kiss. And looked at me. I knew exactly what she was thinking.
"I'll wait for you..." I smiled.

The end!

What did you guys think of it? I'm sorry if this is really bad. This is my first fanfiction. If you enjoyed be sure to follow and leave me feedback! Also I'm working on a story as well! It's going to be called "Mending a Heart That Was Broken From the Start".
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy or the Fairy Tail characters. I only own my OC, Emma.

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