Chapter 1

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Jimin's Pov

"No, I can't be," I muttered, clutching the pregnancy test in my hand.

"Can men get pregnant?" I asked myself. I was confused and decided to google it online.

Pulling my phone out from my jean pocket, unlocking my phone and tapping the Google search without wasting any time. I type out,

"Can men get pregnant like women?"

The first article I saw and immediately tap it.

"Some men can get pregnant if they are carriers. It's really rare for some men to get pregnant. The reason why, because they have a small pouch that contains eggs and they can produce them if they have another male's sperm( that is not a carrier) will get them pregnant! Men, you should check out if you're a carrier before having sex with your partner.

My eyes were filled with tears after reading that one whole paragraph. Men can get pregnant if they are a carrier and I was one of them. I felt my cheeks wet because of my tears. I wipe out my tears with my sleeves and sniffs.

"Wait, I only took one test! Let's another to make sure."

I stop letting out my tears and grab the pregnancy box, taking another stick. I unwrap the wrapper from the stick and dump the tip in a small cup that I urine on. I took it out afterward and wait for 2 freaking minutes.

My legs were shaking just waiting for 2 minutes. It felt like hours.

My phone just went off making let out a small yield. I quickly grab my phone from the restroom sink table top.

From: My babe <3

"Baby, are you sleeping?"

I smiled and started typing back.

"Was about to."

Then locking my phone.

"Oh, the pregnancy test!"

I take the pregnancy test with shaking hands and flip it to the front. I took a deep breath before taking a closer look. 


I flutter my eyes open and saw the two parallel line together.



I threw the pregnancy test to the white marble floor and pull my knees to chest, pulling my hair with both of my hands while sobbing out loud.

"I can't be fucking pregnant now! My father would kill me!"

All of sudden, I felt sick in my stomach and ran to the toilet bowl, throwing up from the dinner I had with my boyfriend. Then, I heard my roommate knocking the door and screaming my name.

"Hyung, are you alright in there! Open the door!" Taehyung yelled through the door, pounding the door with his knuckles.

I pull my head up from the toilet bowl and wipe my mouth with my backhand. 

"It's open!" I response making Taheyung stop pounding the door and turn the doorknob, running to my side.

"Oh my god! You just threw up?!" He panicked, checking my temperature with his palm on my forehead.

"You're not sick," Taheyung stated. I shake my head and Taheyung wrinkles his forehead, feeling confused.

"What's the matter, hyung? Are you sick-"

"Taehyung, I'm pregnant," Jimin said out of the blue. 

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