The Heart Thief

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You are a thief and a liar...

You stole my heart when I am most defenceless.
And I, the fool who let you take it.
Ahhh... What is this pain that I feel in my chest?
This pain that coiled itself around me.
Squeezing me tighter by the second till I can no longer breathe.


Why do I have to suffer?

What have I done to deserve this?

I should not have trusted you right from the start...


You came one day knocking on my front door.
Quickly I cast a glance over my window, peeking through the curtains.
An unfamiliar face of a young adolescent came into view.
Most people would rather stay away from here,
Thinking it was haunted by ghosts and witches.

It is rare for any person to ever set foot in this place,
Most would not even dare to knock on the front door.
For fear of invoking the curse of the inhabitants.

" Is anybody there? " You asked whilst catching your breath.

" Who might you be? " I asked sullenly, opening a small crack in between the eaves of the door  so that I could clearly see you.

My pulse racing from the adrenaline in my blood.
It has... been a long time since I came into contact with a person from the 'outside'.
A mixture of fear and excitement started to vehemently swirl in the depths of my stomach.
Despite what I am feeling, I know that I can no longer take any chances.

" U-waagh! So there really is someone who lives here! " startled by my sudden reply you took a step back causing you to be caught off balance and landing with your back on the solid ground.

" Are you okay? You are not hurt, are you? " I approached the fallen figure of the young man in front of me.

I lent a hand to help you get back on your feet, to which you willingly took.
Now that I had a closer look at you, I can tell that you and I are roughly at the same age.

" Y-you are not a ghost or a witch, are you? " you said warily as you straightened up.

" Of course not! I am not a ghost and most certainly am not a witch.  " I said indignantly.

You stood there dumbfounded as you struggled to find the right words to say in an attempt to pacify me.

" It is fine. I suppose you heard the rumours from the townsfolk about this place. " I assured him.

" I'm sorry- " you said apologetically.

" Don't worry. The rumours of this place are partially true anyway. " cutting him off midway to his apology.

" I really am sorry, for judging you based on the rumours before I got to even know you. To be honest, I am not from here. So the first piece information I had gotten about this town included the rumours that circled this place..." You sheepishly said, noticing the tinge of melancholy that coloured my words.

Somehow I can sense the sincerity in your words despite the fact that I am the one who is at the wrong this time.
Wrong in a sense that I judged you like all of them.
How can I put it ... You were different from all of them.
There is something about that dissociate yourself from among them...

" You said that you are not from here, did you not? Then I would assume you came here knowing that you could not afford the lodgings in town. " I said deductively.

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