Forgotten Life Chp 8

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*Author Note-have decied to continue the storie form thechers o some fans. As i pormised Kate-Dimka the charcter Bali is your character*

Princess....Princess....Princess was the only word that was going through my head at the moment. I mean woho wouldnt go into a whole shut down moment whern they realized their whole life was a life. That the people you looked up to, cried to, laughed with, went to when you had problems and called mom and dad was not even your parents and they held a secret that defined the whole emaning of you life. I dont understand why they didnt just tell me. I mean im Freaking seventeen already. But no i had to find out half strangers at an all boy boarding school that i was sent to after my sister died. As on que tears prickled my eyes. I couldnt get the horrible image of stacy out my mind now.

That will be the image that i would have to live with and it hurt so much. Her blonde hair tinged with blood dyeing it red. Her face extremely pale, which said something becasue she always had a natrual...glow to her.Her eyes were emotionless and her voice weak, I could hear the pain that it caused her to talk. My "parents" never told me how she was killed and who would do that to hear .But when i had saw the shadowy figure i already knew what ever it was was not human and nowhere close to it. Then it hit me 'the eyes of night and the mind of satan'. My "mom" had told me that when i was leaving. But what did it mean. But what did know was that what ever it was was key part of the puzzle that was missing not letting me piece the pieces togther.

I starred out my window my knees drew up to my chest so my chin rested on it. The rain hit the window ledge in a soft beat. That repeated like a babys lullaby. I was so transfixed that when a soft knock erupted on my door i almost casued myself to have a heartattack....if that was possible.

"Come in" I sad softly.

I contuied starring out thewindow not caring who came in. It was either n of the guys or the girls so whats the point of looking its not like it was going to be a stranger.

"You okay B?" A familiar voice asked.

"No Aaron. Its you know to take in this informantion" i sniffed.

Aaron footsteps got closer to my bed. I felt the bed sink in behind me. Before i knew it i was pulled into Aarons lap and was crying into his chest. He rubbed my back and whispered sweet notthiness in my ear trying to calm me down. After a few minutes it started to work and my sobs were on now a few stary tears still leaving my unwilling eye. I hated being emotional but who would cry when you realize your life was a lie and you were actaully a princess of a different SPECIES! I mean come on this an't you regualr fairytale moment, when i jump in joy. Those things are fake. In reality you'd be angry and upset. I mean who am i really? A princess or a lone peasent named "blair".

"Blair look at me" He lifted my face so i was able to look him in the

face "Theres someone here to meet you. Shes going to help you.....remeber"

I simply nooded feeling completly drained and weak. Aaron asked me if i couls stand up when i did i feel back down. My limds were limp just like the rest of my body. Aaron picked me up like i was a feather. I guess i did seeing how i could barley eat or even look at food for the past few days. He let out a sigh.

This current....situation must me tough for him. I mean telling a girl her life was fake isn't actually the easiest thing in the book. Of course i would know.

I let Aaron carry me out to the living room, while my face was burried in his chest. I know we reached becasue i heard a round of gasp, i couldnt blame them. I didnt look like Blair anymore, my skin looked so pale it was transparent, you could see my bones form me not eating. Truth be told, I looked like a walking skeleton. It was either that or they were shocked that Aaron was abe to get me out of my room and best of all i didnt even protest. Aaron took a seat on one of the couch and kept me on his lap, against his chest.

" Hello" I said my voice a low soft melody

There was a chorus of Blair was shouted. I flinched a little at the name. I guess Aaron felt it becasue he pressed me closer.

" Im sorry i have not left my room" I apologized my voice still

low. "It's just hard. But i need to know were you guys just pretending to be my friend as i got my memory back?"

"Are you crazy!" Bellowed Adam "We love you and thats is true. Were not pretending to be your friend either!"

I nodded my head before burrying my head back into Aaron chest. Aaron leaned down and whispered in my ear

"Its okay. Remeber what i told you? Someones here for you"

Nodding, I slowly looked up to meet a pair of familiar silver/blue eyes. Then i saw her full small body. I remeber her from somewhere but i couldnt remeber her name. She looked at me with hope in her eyes. Hope that i couldn't return.

" I remeber you form somewhere but where?" I whispered

She was in front of me in a flash she was in front of me. She kneeled dow so we were eye level.

"My name is Balindia Torusadi Roverzin. Or was you called me Bali. Can you remeber me?" She whispered her eyes glassed over.

I stared at her. I mean really stared at her. I know she was important to me, but how? Thats when it hit me, literly. All the memorys of her came rolling back to me. We use to be inseperable. Joined at the hips they use to say. We never went any where without each other. Joy started to bubble up in me. I dont know why but it just did. I guess not seeing you friend for who knows how many years really gets to you. I jumped up and flew into her arm, sending us flying to the ground.

"BALI" I screamed.

I heard everyone suck in a breathe. I guess they were shocked i actually remebered her. Looking down at her i saw her face streaming with tears

"TATIANA" She screamed

I didnt wince when she say that name. I actually felt quite natrual...I looked over at Aaron and he smiled up at me. I smiled back and i just knew they was a lot more in store heading my way. But i knew with theses guy i could get through it.

[The friend:]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2009 ⏰

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