Dean was a forgetful man. He had forgotten your birthday, Christmas, and the day you and started staying with them. It was Sams idea to make that a "holiday" because it was special to them. But today, he made sure not forget. It was Valentine's Day of course and you and him had been together for about a year and a half. He wanted to make it special, and that you wouldn't forget it. Now Dean wasn't all about being romantic, but you could tell he tried in certain occasions.
"Dean? Where are you? Sam thinks he's got a ca- OH! I wasn't expecting this."
There was a card on the table and rose petals on the floor in a trail. The card said to follow the trail.
Dean, you sly dog. You thought.You sat down your bags from work and kicked off your shoes. As you started to follow the petals, you caught a whiff of a delicious aroma of pancakes. You made your way around the bunker, finding little sticky notes with cheesy love sayings on them. Once you got to the end, you saw Dean in the kitchen with flour on his face and an apron on. He looked up at you but said nothing.
"So, what's this all about?" You asked wrapping your arms around his waist from the back.
"It's a little something I put together just for you (y/n). " he said while turning around. He was much taller than you, so he looked down while you looked up."Those pancakes smell delicious! Did you make them all by yourself l?" You asked in surprise.
"Only for you my love," he said.
You pecked him on the lips but pulled away to find that he had grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at you."DEAN?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" You yelled.
"I'm having fun with my baby girl," he said with a smirk on his face. You grabbed another package and tore it open and started throwing it at him. The first shot hit him square in the face. You giggled as he wipped it off.
"You have no idea who you've messed with," Dean said grinning. He took two handfuls and tossed it over your head so it would plop in your hair. As the flour war went on, both of you were running low on flour, but you were out. Dean was hiding behind the island bar and you snuck behind him to jump on his back. Luckily, he didn't hear you and your plan went well. He spun around trying to get you off, but it would work. That's when he took some flour and popped it on your face.
"Ugh, Dean. This feels gross on my face!" You said, face shriveling up in disgust.
"I warned you baby" he said shrugging his shoulders.
You both laughed it off as he carried you to the living room and you both plopped on the couch and watched movies for the rest of the day. This was definitely a day to remember.A/N
This was @spnimagines__ but it crashed and wouldn't let me back in. So yeah. (Word count-512)
XoXo bitches😚