A highschool fiolee fan fic

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Fionna's POV

I can't believe me and cake are moving I'm gonna miss every one, especially Freddie (flame prince) I wonder if we're still gonna date after I move, I should probably ask him, either way I still don't wanna move.

"Hey cake, I'm gonna go see Freddie call me when your ready to leave"

"Ok baby cakes, you better hurry I'm almost done packing" I heard cake yell when I walked out the door, her name isn't actually cake it's just what my mom and dad use to call her before they passed away, her real name is Katilyn. I started walking down the street to Freddie's house he only lived down the road so it wasn't a long walk, I rung the door bell and seconds later he came to the door

"Hey Freddie" I paused "a-are we gonna stay together after I move?" He just looked at me for awhile and then said "we'll yeah, Fionna I love you and it makes me sad knowing you have to move" my phone started to ring and it was cake I told Freddie I had to go and then we hugged and I started to walk away, I almost forgot about my phone ringing when I said good bye to him, I answered cakes call "I'm on my way back ill be home in a minute"

When I got home cake had all our bags by the door "baby cakes wanna help me get these in the van?" I chuckled at the sight of this "yeah sure" I grabbed two bags and tossed them in the car cake got in the drivers seat and started it up, I closed the back door to the van and then hopped into the front seat and then we started to head in the direction of our new house, our new town, my new high school. I wasn't ready for this I didn't wanna make new friends I liked my old ones

"Hey Fionna" cake piped up "I already got you enrolled in a new school, it's called aaa high school it's suppost to be a really good school, you start the day after we get to the new house"

"Thanks cake" I gave her a slight smile and then drifted off too sleep, if this was gonna be along drive I'd want to get some sleep in.

A few hours later I was awoken by cake telling me to help with the bags again, we must be here. I got out of the car and looked at the house it was bigger then our old one and a lot nicer, I grabbed some of the bags and walked into the house, I couldn't believe it this house was beautiful I loved it!

"Cake witch rooms mine?" I asked "oh, it's the one up there" she pointed to a door way on the second floor, "thanks" I grabbed all my bags and carried them up stairs when I opened the door I saw a queen sized bed in the middle of the room, I went over to it and plopped my self on it, a few seconds later I got up and went to explore the house down the hall way was cakes bed room since she was the oldest she got the master bed room, after that I went down stairs and explored some more, I also realized cake already put most our stuff away to we're they should be.

I looked at the stove that had a digital clock on it, 10:24 I should probably go to bed I'm starting school tomorrow.

"Fionna, heyyy Fionna wake up you gotta get ready for school" cake whispered "it's 6:45 you gotta take a shower Fi"

"Alright I'm getting up" I said exhausted after that I jumped in the shower and put on some nice clothes, a light blue shirt that said snitches get stitches, black skinny jeans, my favorite grey sneakers and my bunny head band that I always wear. When I walked out of my room I instantly smelt bacon pancakes I quickly ate too and headed off for school. It wasn't that far from where I now lived, it wasn't a really big school but I had no idea when to go when I walked in.

Marshals POV

normally school was pretty much the same but today I heard we had a new girl, my friend Kenny wanted to meet her so he had me waiting at the door with him, that's when she walked in she was beautiful her blond hair fell perfectly on the sides of her face, she looked pretty lost that's when I saw Kenny walking up to her, which I didn't really like because he was spurt of a perv I went to got stop what ever he was gonna do but it was too late he already had a hand on her butt, and she did not look happy about it.

She turned to him and pushed him away and screamed "what the hell are you doing I have a boy friends go away!"

I walked up the them and grabbed her shoulder "hey sorry he's kind of a perv, but any ways, hi I'm Marshal lee" then I gestured toward Kenny and said "and this is my friend Kenny"

Fionna's POV

after the creep grabbed my butt I felt a hand On my shoulder, when I turned around I saw possibly the hottest guy ever her had dark black locks of hair and they fell perfectly above his eyes, he was also very sweet he even apologized for his friend, he said his name was Marshal lee finally I spoke up "hi, I'm Fionna"

"Well Fionna do you know where your going?" He said "not really I'm suppose to go to the office but then again I don't know where that is"

"Here I'll show you follow me" he said then I heard Kenny say he was gonna go to class.

A short minute later we were in the office and I had my classes, I heard Marshal ask "you didn't give her a locker what one should she use?"

"Oh yeah um Marshal will you just find her a locker to use there's an open one next you yours correct?" The principals voice was deep and scary so I wouldn't argue with him.

"Yeah, ok Fionna follow me" I turned to Marshal and we walked out the office door and down the hall way he then snatched me schedule from me and said "we have math, English and gym together, and this is your locker" he pointed to the empty locker a I was filling my locker with my textbooks he said his locker was right next to mine I smiled "good because I like you your cool" then I laughed "so where am I going now" I asked "gym, and since we have that together follow me" he said with a grin, gym class wasn't that long because we were late next I had to go to science, Marshal wasn't in that class which made me sad he's the only person I really talked too in the school, that quickly changed when I met Kevin on science he was pretty cool Mrs. Trunks partnered us up for the project we were working on, the bell rang and he asked for my schedule, me and Kevin only had math a science together "hey Kevin's do you know where the English class is" yeah it's down the hall and first door to the left "thanks!" I smiled as I walked away.

When I walked into my next class and saw Marshal writing on a price of paper I walked back and sat next to him "hey what are you doing" he looked up "oh just copying off Kenny's homework I didn't do it last night" I laughed "good job" I said jokingly he finished and looked up at me "so did you make any other friends?" "Yeah I met a kid named Kevin he's pretty cool" I looked at Marshal who looked pretty upset "what's wrong?" When I asked this Marshal turned to the front of the room and grined oh your fried s with Gumbutt now I looks at Marshal with confusion "Gumbutt?"

"I call him Gumbutt because well he always chewing gum non stop" Marshal said "oh so do you guys like not like each other"

"Yeah he's not to fond of me" he said as class began "oh and pay attention in this class the teachers a real bi- he was cut off by a loud woman "MARSHAL LEE WOULD YOU LIKE TO TELL THE CLASS YOUR LITTLE CONVERSATION BACK THERE"

Marshal turned away from me at looked at Mrs. Ice the English teacher, "yeah I was just telling Fionna to watch her self in this class" Mrs. Ice turned to me "Fionna?" She turned back to Marshal "Is she new here" is said in a stern tone "yep" he replied

Mrs. Ice turned her attention to the black board and muttered something to herself but I couldn't hear she turned back around and stated to teach, suddenly I felt my phone vibrate in my pant pocket I knew I couldn't read it now or I'd probably get detention or something but this was my last class of the day so Ill just read it when I get out, in the middle of my thought the bell rang and Marshal and I walked toward our lockers I pulled out my phone and it was my friend from back home she said to call her as soon as possible it's important.


Sorry I'm not that good of a writer i probably have ALOT of grammar mistakes lol but did you like it and also is it too long I kinda think its long but oh well and should I even continue it lol

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