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Emma and Regina walked outside hand in hand believing that Hades and Cora has disappeared from Storybrooke and returned to hell, where they belonged, and that they're future together was going to be a happy one but then out of nowhere a blue flash sparked momentarily blinding everybody but little did they know someone wouldn't be there when they regained there sight.

"Regina?" Emma shouted as she regained her sight, her lover was no where to be found, Emma could feel her blood boiling.
"Thought you got rid of me did you?" A voice said. Emma looked around and only saw a black figure, the room she was in was almost pitch black. The only light was coming from the tiny window above where she was chained up. The figure spoke again "You won't get away from me Emma Swan."She didn't recognize the voice. Emma looked down and saw one of the

"Emma?" Regina yelled she was in a dark room she tried the door but it wasn't opening, it was blocked outside Regina tried to use magic but it was no use as she realized she had a cuff on, the ones which prevent you from using magic. She had to figure out a way of escaping, she thought about different ways to do it, then it came to her. She would befriend her captor.

Emma looked around "Who the hell are you?"
"Appropriate choice of words, considering where you are." Emma looked confused, the shadow stepped into the light "Hello Emma." Emma looked at the woman, she had confusion all over her face. "You don't remember me do you?"
"No so tell me, how do I know you?" Emma asked
"You'll find out soon enough, along with the other one I brought down here." The woman knew exactly what she's done to Emma, and she had reasons for it, she also knew who was looking after Regina.

"Hello Regina."
"Hello Peter." Regina knew exactly how it was with him, his way or no way.
"You're probably wondering why I brought you down here aren't you?" He questioned
"Actually no, I'm not." Regina replied
"Well I'm going to tell you anyway." Regina rolled her eyes at the pathetic man-boy in front of her "As you know Emma is down here as well..." Regina had a look on her face it was straight but concerned, she knew how devious Pan could be. Suddenly she heard a scream from a cell further down and it sounded like Emma.

"What do you want with me?" Emma questioned the woman, she tried to think back long and hard about where this woman knew her from but she didn't know, but then all of a sudden it came to her, she must have had that memory removed, probably from Regina to protect her from something... But what?
The woman had long, curly, ginger hair, she had a bow and quiver filled with arrows "You know Emma, I never got to repay you for what you did."
"What did I do to you?" Emma questioned her
"I knew that you was a witch. You lied to me and you forced me to fight an injured man to make him a hero you ripped my heart out of my chest, you wanted me to do stupid things that would benefit you just so I could earn my freedom back. Now it's my turn to return the favor, you might not remember but I do." The woman bent down to Emma's level "You don't realize that having your heart ripped out of your chest unwillingly hurts." She paused "A lot." She stood up and took a couple of steps back. She pulled an arrow out of her quiver put it on the bow string and then lined up to Emma's leg "You will feel the pain I felt when you pulled my heart out of my chest." She shot an arrow into Emma's leg. Emma screamed out for the pain hurt her.

"Emma!" Regina yelled. Even Peter was surprised at the ear piercing scream he went to investigate leaving Regina alone, she got up and expected there to be a protection spell on the room making sure that she doesn't leave, but much to her surprise she walked straight out. Regina ran to find her true love and to escape! "Emma!" Regina shouted she heard muffles coming from the wall she felt the wall to see where it was coming from as there was no visible doors, she knew that they would all look like the dark damp wall, she found the hidden door and pushed it open and she found Emma alone in a cell, she was bleeding but she was also conscious.
"Can you move?" Regina asked
"Not well, can you heal me." Emma replied
"Of course but I need you to get this cuff off of me." Regina told her.

"They won't escape will they?" Hades asked Peter
"No they shouldn't." Peter told him with confidence "Emma is injured though."
"I told you not to hurt her!" Hades roared with anger his hair turned blue and then slowly to red from rage. Peter took a step back out of caution.
"It wasn't me it was Merida!" Hades slowly calmed down his hair started to turn back to his natural brown color.
"Fetch her here." Hades demanded

Emma pulled the cuff off and threw it out of the way. "Thanks." Regina said to Emma before bending down and healing her.
"I love you but you shouldn't have helped me." Emma told her
"Why would you say that?" Regina asked
"I'm not fully in control, I need you to do me a favor though."
"What do you mean and what do you want me to do?"
"I can feel the darkness coming back and I want to embrace it but I can't control it, I want to hurt people but I don't at the same time. It's so hard!" Emma explained "I want you to give me the memory with the curly haired ginger back, I want to know what I did to her."
"Emma I didn't take the memory, you did it, yourself." Regina told her
"Look who's found each other."
Regina's head snapped around so violently that she could have whiplash from it.
"Mother!" She said with disbelief "You knew we were here didn't you."
"Of course I did." She paused "I brought you back down here." Regina felt a fireball form in her hands "I know you won't hurt me Regina. Look at your wife, she is on my side now, We've had little chats every day and I knew that when she screamed you would come running to her aid." Regina looked at Emma. Emma looked away, she had tears in her eyes, she was being controlled, she didn't have a heart anymore, it was turning black, just like the old dark ones.
"I love you Regina." Regina kissed her passionately, Emma took one last breath as herself, the savior before turning dark again.

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