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Everything seemed cold, and untold. Where was I? Who was I? Or more so, would these answers be replied to. I couldn't remember even that myself, I could feel my body stretch itself. A warm fuzzy feeling following in tow, my hand reached to touch this warmth, this protection, this sheild of hope, I wanted more of it.. I wanted to embrace it,

"Hey!" An echo ran among me. It was so far and would never get closer. Yet further, further, and further away. "Please respond to me!".

Who was this calling me? And who was this 'hey' they yelled at. The cracks from the Ray of sunlight busted through settling the echos to microphone level.

" hey, are you ok? Please say you are" the voice sounded concealed into a worry some tone. Almost shaken, if heard more closely.

"W-who do you keep calling?" My voice cracked. It felt as though a desert sat there. Dry, humid, and nothing but emptiness. "Please!" The voice was now loud enough that my ears could have busted through my ear drum. With a jot my eyes clicked to a pair of sharp Amber orange, they were bright and round. Almost wings of a Phoenix flying through out a pale summer sky.

"Finally you've woken up kittypet".

'Awake? How long have I slept? And of I did sleep how long did it take till I have woken up? Days? Months? Years? Centuries? Who even knew the possible limits- wait..was I just called a kittypet?!' My thoughts stiffened. With my vision clear, my orbs examined up and down, a small tabby cat, with bangs pretty close to his left eye. Inafact, so long his eye didn't seem to exist. But except stios of furry bangs. " w-wait..did you talk?!"I half screamed at him. 'Great, now your talking to a dumb cat' I thought sourly.

But within a few minutes.. "Yea, I talked. Yori acting like we cats don't talk period" I was going crazier than what I was minutes ago before answering the question.

"Why are you so surprised?" He asked me.

"Your a cat yourself"

My orbs widend upon those feeble words. "Me? A cat?" I sorang into action looking left to right For any signs to where I could see my own distraught reflection. There, a puddle laid calm and soothing a few feet away, my figure made its course towards this puddle. 'Crick, crack. Crick, crack' the sound of pebbles cruching behind me rose the tension.

With My steps were more fidget and shakey to the puddle. "H-holy crap" there, in the reflection, sat a white, black, and orange, fur was there. But what caught me the most..was the sharp turquoise, orbs.

he was right..I was cat?!


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