8th Grade*(the first encounter)

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The first bell goes off and i'm currently sitting in the front row of my first period, i have math and the kid beside me won't shut the hell up for not even a split second and i realize that my name is being called and i get pulled out of my thoughts when Mrs. McCracken calls for me. "Skylar! SKYLAR!" "huh?" "Skylar you need to put your drawings away right now before i take it and it will become mine!" "okay. whatever." "Excuse me? Would you like for me to call an administrator or would you like to listen the first time and not catch an attitude?" " I meant to say yes ma'am." " That's what I thought."

I looked over to my right at the back of the classroom to see this boy staring at me but when he noticed that i saw him he looked away. His face got really red and he looked near the door and I barely saw his dimples when he smiled. The teacher caught my attention again when she asked everyone if they had done their homework; which i didn't do of course. My attention was forced back to the boy in the back of the class. He looked so familiar but i just couldn't figure it out. 'Maybe if I asked one of my friends later they could help me remember his name' I thought to myself. 

The bell to switch classes went off and I picked up my things and walked over to my social studies class. The locker break bell went off and the teachers finally let us in their classrooms.[I AM SKIPPING MY SOCIAL STUDIES CLASS BC IT WAS BORING AS FUCK] -THANK YOU [plus the boy with the dimples is in all of my classes bc that's how it actually happened-thank u]

The 3rd bell of the day went off and i headed to my honors science class. I absolutely hated this class other than one person who actually made me smile. I got into the classroom and sat in my seat (the stool right in front of the bitches desk) and turned around, away from the table,i pulled the short little stool toward me and kicked it at the douchebag it sat next to. His name was Evan and he was a pervert and a douchebag. He never left me alone but i was naive and liked the attention unless he decided to take it too far. Then there was the boy with the dimples who sat beside me and would secretly stare at me and just smile, unless i caught him then he would look away and he would smile and all you would be able to see would be his dimples. His name was Nathaniel, i remembered his name after our first period. He has blonde short hair, blue eyes like the ocean, a genuine smile, and his dimples. He could brighten up anyones day but people just looked more at his past then him himself. 

I was dark  and depressed and sad most of the time. I self-harmed a lot(not being rude or judgemental bc this did really happen in my 8th grade year because i wasn't perfect then and i'm still not so just saying). Everything started hitting me in 8th grade and everyone's problems became my own until my parents found out and told me that i had no reason to be putting scars on my wrists and thighs. I apparently had the best life ever from what they were saying to me but i knew the truth and i was the only one putting myself through the pain not them.

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