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Her name is Kat.

I wish I could say that she told me that, but we still haven't so much as made eye contact. I stood behind her in the lunch line today. That's how I found out. I wasn't listening in on her conversation. One of her friends called her Kat to get her attention. I guess she was daydreaming. She smiled when she got caught. Her smile is beautiful. She smiles a lot.

I want to know her so bad. I want to know what she's thinking, what she daydreams about.. Nothing would make me happier than to talk to her. I wonder if her personality is as beautiful as her appearance- unconventional and rough, but still lovely.

I want her to smile at me. I want to smile with her. If only she could have turned around so I could see her face. So she could see mine. So we could both say hi and introduce ourselves. I want to know what she's like so bad!


What a beautiful name.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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