1. The Minions from the movie "Minions" and "Despicable Me I & II" are based off of Jewish kids during WWII who were tortured by Nazi Scientists. The guards thought it was funny when the kids screamed for help because they couldn't understand them.
2. Speaking of Nazi's before the Holocaust Hitler gave the US, UK, and other countries to take in Jewish refugees, they refused.
3. The only casualty when the first bomb dropped on Britain was a rabbit. Bugs Bunny? Maybe
4. No one let Ben Franklin write the Declaration of Independence because they were afraid he would put a joke in it.
5. The US is not the #1 country that watches porn, in fact even though they produce 60% in the porn industry, they are #19, #1 being Pakistan.
6. 149-0 is the highest ever made in a soccer game.
7. Alexander The Great was not much admired in his lifetime, he was considered a drunken Tyrant.
8. The Entire worlds population could fit in Texas if it was as dense as New York
9. The most isolated human in the world was All Worden at 2,235 miles away from the closest human being!
10. Chimpanzees are officially in a stone age, they have been using tools for generations
Daily Facts
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