Chapter 1

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Jonathan's POV:

Monday. The day absolutely nobody liked. For some it was worse than others.

I groaned getting up out of my bed. I was always the early waker in my family so I took a shower before school.

I stood there with the water cascading down my back, thinking. Not about anything in particular. Just thinking.

About 10 minutes later I got out changing into a black hoodie and jeans, with some shoes. I started walking to the bus stop.

The bus wasn't there yet so I grabbed my headphones and sat on the floor.

There were other kids but they all had their own thing going on to notice me. Too bad Luke doesn't take the bus.

About 5 minutes later the bus arrived. I got on and sat in the front, considering that the noisy kids sit in the back.

It takes quite a while to get to school. So I just continued my playlist.

-30 minutes later-

I got off the bus, throwing on the hood of my jacket. The first bell was about to ring in 5 minutes so I have time to run to my locker.

I got to my locker. Locker 3-13. Groups of kids passed by, not noticing me or my messy locker. I sorted through all the stuff and grabbed my History, Science, and Band notebook.

I walked to History, my first class. I sat down in my assigned seat and doodled in my separate notebook, waiting for the damned teacher.

She finally came and taught class. We had to write notes about how America came to be and the Civil War.

An hour of boring classtime later and we finally got to leave. Next class is one of my favorites. Band. I play percussion.

Most of my teachers are girls. I just realized that. All of my teachers except my Spanish teacher are girls. And my Spanish teacher is gay!

I chuckled. Well then. I got to class and opened my band locker, taking out my 'beaters' as my teacher called it, and setting up the snare drum.

Great, the teacher has that lecture face on. She started going on and on about how we are worse than beginning band.

She ended up taking the whole class period lecturing us and we never got to play. This was the sort of shit that got me in a bad mood.

Next class was Science. I hoped we would do a lab today instead of notes. I needed something to cheer me up again.

I got inside the class and immediately saw that we were doing a lab. I smiled, walking to my desk.

I sat in the back of the class, assigned next to nobody. It's cool sometimes because I get to not communicate much, but it sucks when I want to say something funny.

"Ok class. Today we are going to do a lab." The teacher said. I silently cheered as she continued.
"We are going to look at sand from all different places and determine what's in it. If you find something not on the list, tell me and we'll take a look at it."

It may sound boring but it actually was a ton of fun. I found an old crab shell in mine, and the kids in front of me dared someone to eat it. It was hilarious.

Class ended and it was Lunch time. Lunch was the only place I could see Luke. I grabbed an apple from the machine and went to the library.

Luke was already there with an orange. I sat down and started eating, talking about what happened the first few classes.

Luke chuckled at the kid eating sand, and looked at me sadly when I told him about Band. Then he started talking about his day.

Thirty minutes is all we get. The bell rang and I ran back to my locker after saying bye to Luke, grabbing my English, Reading, Spanish, and Math notebook.

I ran to Spanish, the tardy bell ringing as soon as i walked through the door. I sat down and the teacher walked in, telling everybody to settle down.

An hour of me not understanding shit later and I walked to English. I always hate this part of the day. Other students always crowd around in this hallway and I trip a lot.

I finally got to English, where we were starting our College course. We were trying to decide where we were going for college.

Reading was the same, talking about Global Warming. And Math was just the worst but that's pretty self explanatory.

Finally school ended. I ran out the door. Today is March 13th. I have been watching the trailer for this game so many times.

Live Again. Everybody in school has been talking about it. I grabbed my backpack from my shoulder and ran to the nearest Game Stop.

There was already a line of students waiting. I got to the end. A kid got in-line almost immediately after me. He had sort of a black mohawk and brown eyes.

I didn't pay much attention to him though, as I wanted to get this game. The line was moving. Some people were cheering but I stayed quiet, mentally calculating whether or not there would be enough.

I finally got inside, running to the game. There were only two copies left. I grabbed one and ran to the most available cashier.

I threw the money for the game on the little table and he scanned the game, giving me some extra features like masks, clothing, etc.

He finished and I ran to the bus stop, the bus barely arriving. I know it's always late by 30-45 minutes.

I hugged the game close to my chest as I got on the bus, sitting once again in the front. The bus was about to leave when the kid that was behind me on the bus jumped on, panting.

He had the last copy in hand. And ran to the middle of the bus. I couldn't care less though as I finally got the game.

-30 minutes later-

Finally we reached my stop and I went to the Headset that cane with the game. Apparently it was some new technology that literally transforms you, making everything seem real.

I put on the headset that covered my eyes and plugged it into the computer, downloading the game.

Two minutes of waiting and I was ready to play. I grabbed the headset and put it on. I felt myself losing consciousness and there was a bright light.

The light was getting bigger with colors popping up out of nowhere. Then there was nothing but a dark room with a spotlight on a single spot.

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