The Ragged Old Bear

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Darcy waited silently, not daring to move, not even to breath. He crouched behind the door. On the other side, the floorboards creaked...
Three months earlier, Darcy had noticed a ragged old bear sitting in the corner of his room, in his family's new house. He didn't know how it got there, but it creeped his sister out. She wouldn't go into Darcy's room because of it, which is exactly what he wanted, so he kept the bear.
But recently, weird things had been going on and the bear was always nearby. Last week, Darcy's pet fish had been killed, gutted and mutilated, and the bear was there, sitting next to the fish bowl. Today, all ten of the neighbours chickens had been killed and the owner of the chickens found the bear in the hen house. Of course, he blamed Darcy, even though Darcy hadn't touched the chickens. Another odd thing was that the old house had at least three black-outs a week. At first, everyone thought it was the house's age, but after the eighth time, Darcy began to suspect things.
Now, with the chickens dead, Darcy had decided to investigate. He'd woken up from a nightmare he couldn't remember and looked for the bear. It hadn't been in its usual spot, in the corner. Darcy had heard a rustling on the other side of his closed door and then creaking, so he'd gotten up, opened the door and looked down the hallway. He'd seen a shadow and followed it. Creeping down the hallway, Darcy heard a door shut and he stuck his ear to the keyhole and listened.
"Your battery is getting low," a gruff voice mumbled. There was a click, rustling and more clicks. The lights of the house fluttered on and off. So that explained the black outs. "Now," said the voice again. "I've got the rope and knife but you need to bring the boy to me."
Darcy gasped. Who was the man talking about?
"Why am I talking to a remote controlled bear?" he said. "I must be going crazy. All these murders are taking their toll. Oh well. Not like I'm going to stop now, am I?" the man chuckled. "I want the boy brought to me by tomorrow,"
Darcy moved forward the tiniest bit and the floor creaked like a tree being cut down.
The door opened quickly and a torch was shone in Darcy's face so he couldn't see.
"Well, well," said the man standing in the doorway. "Looks like you've already brought the boy to me, Bear. And it's only twelve thirty six. Well done. Come in, come in," the man beckoned.
Darcy tried to run but the man grabbed the back of his collar and heaved him into a dark room.

At twelve forty one AM, Darcy's sister thought she heard a scream.
At eleven twelve AM, Darcy's mother noticed blood under the bathroom door and opened it.
At eleven fourteen AM, she fainted.
At eleven nineteen AM, the police were called.
At eleven twenty eight AM, the police arrived.
At eleven thirty AM, they dragged Darcy's body, bloodied and missing all of it's limbs except for the head, out of the room and into the police van.
At eleven thirty four AM, the police found the battery operated bear sitting in the corner...

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