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"And that's why I hate happy endings. They are too unrealistic." I looked at my three best friends seated beside and across from me. "How many times have any of you had a happy ending on a love experience?"

Mallory was the first to shoot her hand up. I knew what she was going to say.

"Dreams don't count, Mallory." She slowly took her hand down and continued with her Lucky Charms. Her ginger hair was laying straight against her back.

"I'm not saying I'm opposed to them, they just never happen to me is all." I replied.

"What a 50% off coupon to PetSmart ? That seems like a good ending to me." said Addie. She brushed her long brown hair out of her face.

I finished drinking my milk leftover from cereal and set the bowl on the table.

I got where she was coming from. There's nothing better than a half price dog collar, but that's not love.I wanted a happy ending in love. I'd struck out so many times, I had became a skeptic on the whole idea.

"That's not what I meant." I argued.

"Well then what do you mean?" said Eve.

"I want an Corey and Topanga relationship." I whined. I stood up to put my bowl and spoon in the sink.

"Not that again!! Paise, we no offense, but you will never be able to top those two." said Eve. She crumbled up her pop-tart wrapper and threw it at Addie. She was too infatuated with her cereal to look up.

I let out a huff and walked into the living room and grabbed my red converse from the shoe rack.

"Yes!! But if I were you, I would go after Shawn. Now, he's a looker." said Mallory. We all started laughing hysterically.

"I would love to argue this but were going to be late for school." I said. I grabbed my keys from the counter and ran out the door before they could come up with a comeback.

"Shotgun!" yelled Addie. She ran a finger through her long, brown hair 

"Addie! That's my seat!" Eve said. She huffed and went around to the back of the car to get in the backseat.

"You snooze you lose!" she sang.

We all piled into my car. It was small but it was better than nothing, I guess. I was in the drivers seat with Addie riding shotgun. Eve and Mallory were in the back. They both rolled down their windows. Eve's curly brown locks were getting ready to be flown everywhere by the wind.

We drove in a few moments of silence before Addie leaned over and started playing with the radio.

She obviously couldn't find anything she liked so she plugged in the aux cord. In a few seconds, "Bad and Boujee" was blaring though the speakers of my little blue car.  She leaned back with a satisfied grin. She knew the right way to start a day.

"Okay y'all. I need some advice," said Mallory. "I don't know what color prom dress to get."

"Mal, it's September. You do know that right?" said Eve, as I stopped at a red light. I turned around to see her reaction.

"I know but I want a head start," she replied.

"Mal, you don't have a date yet," I said. "None of us have one."

"Which is why I'm going fishin' for me a date this week. You've gotta get them early. All the good ones will be gone," said Addie. The light turned green and I took off.

Eve leaned up into the front seat between Addie and I and said "Why don't you ask Nicholas? I know you're dying to go with him." Everyone's head flew up to see my response.

"Oh, yes! Paislee that would be so cute!" squealed Mallory.

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel for a moment before responding with, "It probably would. How do you think his girlfriend would feel about that?"


The bell for first period rand just as we walked (well, more like ran) through the front doors of Lincoln High. I looked to the office to see if Ruth, the secretary, said it was okay to go on to class. She shot a thumbs up my way. This wasn't the first time this had happened because she was waiting for us.

"Come on!" I yelled back to Eve. She was stopped talking to her boyfriend, Jack. Eve gave him a quick peck on the cheek before running down the hall to join the rest of us.

"I'm sorry! Love calls! I've got to run to the bathroom. Tell the teacher I'll be late!" With that, she took off down the hall.

Mallory, Addie and I started to History class. It was a short walk since our school was revolved around a central square. We made it to our seats just before the bell rang.

History is not my subject so I was not looking forward to sitting through and hour of it. After about 2 minutes I turned to ask Eve what the date was when I realized she wasn't there and I had forgot to tell the teacher where she was.

I turn to raise my hand to tell him when she comes through the door smiling.

"Hi Mr. Durkin," she says.

"Ah, Miss Jetson. Care to finally join us I see," said Mr. Durkin.

"I was in the bathroom. I thought you-," she tried.

"Miss Jetson, please do not share your privacy with me. You can stay after for a few minutes and we can talk about this, alright?"

"Yes sir," she replied and sat down behind me.

"Paise, didn't you tell him?" she whisper/screamed.

"I'm sorry. I forgot," I apologized. I slowly turned around so I couldn't see her face because I knew she was mad.

"Anyways, class today we will be reviewing the Spanish-American War. In 18....."


"Paislee Ray!" I heard someone call me. I stopped in my tracks and a smile started to spread across my face. I knew exactly who it was because there was only one person in this entire universe who called me that.

"My name's not Paislee Ray darlin'," I replied as I spun around and was met with the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes.

"I know it's not. It gets yur' attention though, don't it?" He said. He slowly walked closer and stuck his hands greasy out to me. He'd been in the mechanic shop.

"It does. Why are you out here? Why aren't you in class?" I asked. I took both of his hands in mine and felt the oil on his fingers. It felt so right.

"I came ta see the purttiest girl in Lincoln County. What are you a'doing sugar?" He let go of my hands and wrapped them around my waist. I knew he would stain my shirt but I didn't care. All I wanted was to stay in those arms forever.

"Looking at the closest thing I'll have to heaven." We both smiled really big and I knew what was about to happen. I leaned in 10% and closed my eyes and waited only a moment for him to lean in the other.

"Paise!!" I opened my eyes and instead of staring at a beautiful pair of hazel eyes, I saw Addie.

"What?!" I said.

"Paise! The bell rang. Where ya at? Trying to get closer to Jesus?" she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Jesus?

"You kept softly saying 'heaven'. I thought you were trying to get closer with my homie JC," she giggled as she finished speaking.

I rolled my eyes and grunted. I guess calling Jesus was the closest I'd ever get to my "heaven".


miss majestic 🦄

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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