Runaway Baby (A Harry Styles Fanfic)

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"And it's hey now here we go.

D-j don't you play nothing slow,

Keep those girls out on the floor,

Gotta make them want to come back for more--"

"What?" I groan into the phone.

"Welllll, goodmorning to you too, Jessica."

"Sorry Brailen, what do you need?" I say while looking at the clock. It's only 8:30?!

"Uh, we have plans? I'm picking you up in an hour so we can go to Starbucks and then go shopping downtown!" Brailen said excitedly.

"Oh yeah! Okay, I'm gonna go get ready. See you soon!" I say shooting up from my bed.

"Okay Byeee!" She shouted through the phone before hanging up.

I quickly ran over to my closet and scanned the racks until I found a blue skirt and a white t-shirt with some writing on it. I then changed into my outfit and went up to my mirror to apply some make up while I brushed my hair and left it natural.


"Shit! She's here already?!" I thought to myself while grabbing my bag before putting on my shoes and running down the stairs.

"BYE MOM!" I called into the kitchen before throwing the door shut.

"You look good, Jess!" Brailen complimented as she watched me get into the passenger's seat.

"Thank you Brailey, you don't look too bad yourself!" I say and then we're off to Starbucks and get onto the highway to downtown.

***11:00 am***

Brailen and I are walking down the streets while Brailen goes on about how her boyfriend, Xavier, surprised her at her job for their anniversary, " He had a bunch of flowers and a HUGE teddy bear and-----" she says as I zone out as we pass by a few shops when Topshop comes into view.

"Wanna go in Topshop?" I ask when she finishes - finally- talking.

"Well, you can go in there because I wanted to go into Nordstrom." she replies and I nod in approval before continuing my walk to Topshop as she goes in Nordstrom.


I've been trying to call Brailen but she hasn't been answering since she went into Hot Topic in the mall....Ugh typical.

I see Brailen walk out of Hot Topic with a group of guys laughing and having a good time, walking away from me.

I run over to her and they all stop laughing and stare at me before they start laughing again. What is their problem?

"Um Brailen, are you ready to go? It's nearly 8 and the traffic's gonna be bad." I shout over their laughter.

"Sorry, little girl but you better find another ride home cause we don't hangout with 13 year olds." One of the guys say. EXCUSE ME?

"Sorry, asshole. but you better leave cause we don't hangout with immature pricks." I say, mocking him, while I smirk and grab Brailen's arm to leave but she pulls it back.

"Can't you just take a bus home?" Brailen says, looking between me and the boys, What the hell is her problem?

"Fine, whatever. Like usual you ditch me to hangout with people you JUST met instead of hanging out with your bestfriend since birth. Yeah, real nice." I say sarcastically, turning around when I hear her mumble "Sorry...."

Okay, that just pissed me off so much, but I keep on walking until I'm outside. I keep walking and eventually I get to a bus stop.

Good Part: I found the bus stop.

Bad Part(s): It took 35 minutes, the next bus doesn't come until 10:00pm and right now it's 8:00, and lastly it is in the absolute WORST part of downtown. Literally you can kidnapped down here and no one will do anything to help you.


Well, one more hour to go AND nothing bad has happened.....yet. It is so quiet and creepy, and I think I just heard someone scream in the distance. *shivers*

"God, can this bus please PLEASE hurry up?!"I think to myself before being blinded by headlights coming from, not a bus but a really nice sports car. Lucky ass gets to go home and I'm stuck here.

I know what you're thinking, "Why don't you just call someone?" I would, but I have no service in this run down place.

It's only when the car honks do I snap out of my trance and look up to see the sports car right in front of me with the window rolled down.

"Hey, angel, need a ride?" He says....stop.

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks for the offer though..." I say and before I know it he's out of the car and leaning against the side closest to me.

"I'm not leaving until you say yes, sweetheart." He says in his low british accent.

Fuck :)

My :)

Life :)

A/N - Hey guys! I felt like writing another story so here is the first chapter! :) I really hope you like this :)

Jessica to the side and the song for her ringtone is Sideways by Dierks Bentley ♥

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♥ Paige ♥

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