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Drip drop drip drop.

It rained  down against my room window located in the Institute. I shuffle around the bed only to feel arms wrapped around my waist. My fingers trace the runes around his arm and biceps.

"Good morning, Alec." I said turning around to face him on the bed.
"Good morning to you too my angel. "
I feel his hands caressing my face.
"Any mission on schedule today?" Asked Alec.
"Not that I know of."
He hummed , Shuffling out of bed heading towards the closet.
"Where are you going? "I asked prompting myself on my elbows.
Alec furrowed his eyesbrows, "To check if there are any missions for us."
"Come on, at least for today let's stay in bed and relax we barely get to do it now a days. " I flopped back down onto the bed.
Alec walked closer to the bed pulling a shirt of his head, still in his boxers.
"We can't now, come on get up -."
I rise up quickly and pull his arm making him fall onto the bed.
I wrap my arms around his torso, hugging him close. Pulling back I said ,"come on Alec. Just this once, Please for me."
"Ok, just this one. Just for you."
"Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you~."I explained happily wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug, Kissing his cheek in between my words.
Alec chuckled smiling,"yeah yeah, don't thank me too much because tomorrow we are going on a mission, OK?"
I smiled, "yeah yeah, we will worry about that tomorrow. For now let's focus on today, Alec? Soo..Can I ask you something? "
Alec turn towards me, "yeah of course you know you can ask me anything."
I smiled shyly, "can we cuddle? "
Alec chuckled.
"i'll do anything you want to do, just for today. "
A huge grin made it way to my face. We both called back under the covers as he wrapped his arms around me. Facing each other we fall under the depth of a passionate kiss. The kiss getting hotter and hotter, he crawled on top of me pinning my hands up.
Alec pulled away," I thought we were suppose to be cuddling."
"Don't worry,I prefer your lips." I said pulling him once more for another kiss.

Author note: sorry Alec is a little much OC from my part, I'm not exactly sure how he really is  I haven't read any of the books, Im currently watching the Shadowhunters , but I will try my best to work on it. This is also my first time writing fanfiction and posting them so please go easy on me :-) .Thanks for reading. <3
                           Rotten mistress

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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