♡Rant 1-Homophobia♡

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As a Christian myself I have seen both sides of this argument. I'm probably going to get in a bit of trouble for even touching down on this topic, but who cares it's a rant book.

In my life as being raised in a church, I was never told to hate gay people. Heck, I was never even told to "change them". The fact that anyone thinks that because someone is different they must be changed is completely sickening to me.

I was always raised to never judge people based on their sexuality, race, religious views, ect. I have come across many people who are "different" from me and I have never judged them for that.

Now that we've gotten past that, I never agree with using your religion as a basis to hate someone. I've never felt like it's MY place to judge anyone because of my religion.

I do not put myself on a high horse because of being a Christian. I feel like there are way too few people who let others do as they please.

Now. I'm aware that not everyone is open minded. And listen. If you personally don't think homosexuality is right, then keep that thought in your mind. You can think whatever you damn well please.

Where I find that backing off needs to happen is when you approach the LGTBQ community and attack them. It makes no physical sense to me.

People have physically told me and others I know that they would kick their son/daughter out of the house if they came out. They have physically said that they wouldn't love "a gay kid". To these people I have one simple question. Why? Aren't we called to love our children unconditionally? Put yourself in their place and see how you feel.

Personally I wouldn't like if I was attacked for MY beliefs so why the hell do people think it's acceptable to attack others based on theirs?

There is never more room in the world for hatred. However, there is always more room in the world for love and compassion and empathy.

Listen, we're all different.

And if you cant accept that, then kindly back on outta here.

And if you cant accept that, then kindly back on outta here

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