you don't look like someone who would give a kid up

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Hi my name is cortlin. I'm 17 years old. I have one brother Henry 13 two sisters. Brooklyn 13 Amelia 15 and babyhood three weeks old. Regina adopted me when I four. She was two month pregnant with Amelia. Amelia is a mergle. Regina can't have kids. That one of the reason why she was mad when zelena got pregnant.
For about 17 years I didn't know why my birth mother and father where But when Emma came to storybrook Regina told me I may have came from the enchand forest .When Regina sent us back to our land I when back with her. So I must have been born their. When we went to get are castle back from the which this is what happened.............
Mom don't cortlin your mother is some where in this land you should find her. What life got you down someone said. I turn around a women with green skin was standing their. She looked at me and said o my god you are alive
*back in storybrook*
But let not forget when my sister was born
*flashback *
Nurse Ratched cortlin said I'm here to see my mom okay this way Nurse Ratched said knock on the door when you're ready to leave okay cortlin walks in Hi mom did you bring the book yes cortlin Said
2 hour later
Mom brings to read to the baby it was so sweet when suddenly oh you must like this book as much as your mother mama you okay call and said yeah I'm fine ow Mom are you she pushed it off then suddenly she jumped up something's wrong something's wrong right there and then I knew there was definitely something wrong
One min later
The door open and there was Robin and Regina standing right there don't just stare help me Zelena said how is this possible you're only 2 months pregnant Robin replied what do you think dark magic and then Mom almost went to the floor in pain and there's one other thing I said in the process of this dark magic the baby flipped in her stomach really hard I looked at Rob and with a certain look and he nodded back alright would you have no idea what you're saying but when was clearly saying was we need to get Alina to the bathroom right now because if we don't he's going to pee herself. So me and Nurse Ratched bring her over to the bathroom we go in with her so that she contraction them she doesn't fall Nurse Ratched stands outside of the stall and I go in with her who sits down look for me and then all I just know where to explain the face he makes and then she gets away found her voice I can't go I can't go Nurse Ratched comes in she may be upset to go. So we start helping my mom back up SunTrust of water falls onto the floor when I looked at Nurse Ratched like did she just pee herself. Miss rocked it looked at me and shook her head no just her water mom looked at me made the hand gesture for come here and whispered in my ear but I feel like I'm about to ready to pee myself any moment. I know mom.
Few minutes later
keep calm and breathe Robin said shut Zelena shut up why was a fake Midwest I know the drill Zelena replied Lena why would Emma do this Regina asked I have no idea Zelena responded are you sure it's her Regina ask that's the same in the dark one-off offers you aww onion rings I don't eat them when we got into the room Mama screaming again it was hard for me see her in this much pain. Dr. Will start talking to everybody else but I wasn't listening to him I was looking at my mom and the knowing that 17 years ago she did the same thing and someone took her baby no one was going to do that this time not if I had anything to say about it just then Belle and snow came running we need to protect that baby from Emma she's here she will be soon Bell said it's on the spelling Maryland spell books final ingredient is the crys of a newborn child. Well she's not taking this child I'm still alive robin's said Gina take this, off so I can defend my child Zelena biged you're far from trustworthy but I will protect your baby do something Zelena screamed
2 min later
Now. Dr. Wells said this is going to be a bit strange we're going to have you sit on the special ball it's going to help your labor go easier but it's also going to loosen up does muscles that are really tight around your abdomen when you feel like their loosened up tell your daughter and she will ring so mom did exactly what dr. Wells wanted well she was sitting there she looked at me how long will How will I know when these muscles are loosened snow was sitting on the bed you'll know trust me cuz it'll feel like it feel like you are about ready to pee yourself suddenly Zelena made a face yep the me and snow said at the same time you're ready she has her sit in a certain position on the bed with a bedpan they said that because the muscles have been so tight she wouldn't be able to even make it to the bathroom once the muscles are loosened up enough she sat there talking with me once she felt comfortable enough she finally fell asleep but only for about an hour divorce she woke up screaming and it was time Porsche dr. Wales Says Zelena screamed come on one more push I said encouraging her aaasww that's it suddenly we both heard a cry it's a girl doctor Wells said I jumped and hug my mom I have a little sister I have a little sister then Regina came in you seem like they were gonna go good butt Unfortunately they didn't me and we were kidnapped by Emma

2 haur latter
Me and mom walked into the hospital you the mayor said not to let you in well you just doing the job kudos do you Mom said with a smirk it made me laugh not so fast sis oh God I said you again can't you just ever leave her alone glad you took care of my daughter while I was being kidnapped but I'm here take it back now good luck with that Regina said with a smile when Mom looked in the window in the crib the baby wasn't there in her I saw her mom's face well my hair turned flaming blue again where's my daughter mommy yelled did you really think after everything you done you wouldn't protect that child from you see who my daughter who's Robin's to and you'll never take you never take that baby from him can't stand after a lifetime getting everything finally my turn the most of the Regina said it doesn't make any sense you killed Marion Regina said I looked at her and laughed you killed her first mom laugh is that a compliment things need to change Regina said agreed but sadly they never will before we go and let me remind you that you matter have your powers back here but I also have mine
But you probly thinking why would zelena give up a kid she didn't. Once you go green you'll never go Queen Regina made of large speed that I didn't listen to and then she finally did what I was dying that she would do she ended Zelena the baby finally things were going right around here don't worry things it's all just the same.
*flashback 17 years ago*
Glinda I thing it's time OK zelena glinda said just breath she is going to take my baby zelena cried. Cora is going to take my baby. She not I will do my best to stop her.
2 hour
Push push Glinda said aaasww zelena cried. suddenly their where noise outside she hear zelena cried Just then cora came in and glinda flew into the wall. Please please don't take my baby. Your not worthy of this baby but Regina is. Things when black. When zelena woke up gland was patting her forehead with a cloth where is my baby? Zelena asked I sorry zelena she take your baby girl. Gland said it a girl I will find her. If it is the last thing I do.
*back in storybrook*
But after the baby was born what should of both zelena and Regina together just pushed them further apart. So that made my and Regina grow further apart too.

So she banished zelena and I to oz. I will never see henry again. So that is how this story starts.

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