Synacky~When there is no light

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Warning: BANDSLASH!  homosexual love, strong language

Sorry for any mistakes. :blush:

*Third Person POV*

Zacky lied in the bed, his hands around his shoulders, his warm blanket was laying over him but the cold and broken feeling in his heart wasn’t going to be warmed up in the nearest future.

He whimpered in pain. Not any physical, but psychic pain, which was eating his broken heart piece for piece, just like some evil cookie monster. If there is any cookie monsters that eats hearts.

The snow was falling outside with soft flakes making a gray light shine through his window, casting a shadow at him that made him look sick. And that was true.

“Why?” He whispered in the darkest side of the room. His eyes were heavy from earlier sad hours, the tears he had shed, and the sobs that had slipped through his pink plush lips.

The hammering at his door had stopped several hours ago, but he hadn’t heard any footsteps, so he assumed that no one had left. The thought got confirmed a second later, when he heard someone shift position against the door.

The most terrible thing to do to a person is breaking their heart. That’s like to kill them 100 times. So why did he still care?

Love.. Stupid. Fucking. Hopeless. Addicting. Love

Start with love and ends with emptiness.. or worse. No heart. No fucking loving touches, kisses, not able to feel, think, eat or…breath.

*Brian’s POV*

How long shall I wait? What a stupid question. I will wait forever.. Like I always have said. And I’m a man of my word.

I have screamed.

I have begged.

I have cried.

I have been angry..

I have lost.

My hope.

Shifting position. I’m falling into sleep very soon. I’m gonna have nightmares.. they gonna track me down, tie me up, and spit me in the face. That’s the punishment you get when you have hurt you’re love. The only thing that matters.. And I can’t change it. In anyway. So I’m still waiting.

*Zacky’s POV*

How on earth am I gonna find forgiveness in my heart? Is there anything left? Once I had a lot of it, but now it seems like the bottle is empty. Glass is broken.

“Do you regret?”  I ask.

“Z-Zee?”  He fell asleep.. how funny. At least he is dry in his throat. 

“Do you regret it Brian?”

“What..” Tired voice once again.

“Do you regret falling in love… With me?” I hear my voice shake frantically, but I’m stumbling further into madness.

“No.. Never.” 

“Then WHY?”

“I’m sorry.”  Same fucking excuse as every single love story in the fucking universe.

“Z-Zee?”  He’s shaking

“Yeah..” I breath

“I L-love you” Sob.

“Let me in please..” How can I ? Why ?  “you love him”

I raise up and open the door. There is the most broken person in the wide world staring at me. I break down. Everything passes in slow motion. I fall into a pair of soft arms. 

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