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Betrayal - A Short Story

'Is it right to say something wrong feel right?' She thought to herself as she continued to draw on her caverns beautifully and carefully. Every single time, she slowly admired her own masterpiece that she had just created with intensity. Fifty short yet deep lines were there on the caverns for this time. As the paint starts to drip down the cavern she continued her thinking, 'I know this is wrong. But yet it feels so right at the same time. Why does it feel both right and wrong to do this every time? I really never knew nor understood why something that seemed so evil could actually feel this good.'

It was a form of escape for her. To escape from reality. To escape from everything this life has given her. All the pain, the struggle, the pressure, the stress, the unhappy moments, the depressing moments. She had saw this as a chance to leave everything shitty thing she had experienced in this life behind, even if it was just a few moments or so.

She had always told a close friend of hers about her problem. She always trusted her with this dark secret of hers. She thought that it was safe with her and that it would always remain a secret. But she never realized how wrong she was.

One night, just after one of her many drawing sessions. She told her best friend about it. Her friend did not make a sound nor did she gave her a reply.

The very next day, her elder sister received a message, with a photo of all her drawings, from the most current one to the ones from so long ago that she forgot that they actually existed.

The artist was devastated. She had never thought it would have been her. She trusted her with her dear life, and was rewarded with this brutal betrayal. The artist confronted her on Facebook. She had seen the message and did not even bother to make a short reply. She was simply ignored by the once so called best friend of hers.

Out of all people, she had never imagined it would have been her. She was so close to her, they were once best friends and told each other their own darkest secrets. Or at least the naïve artist thought so. She gave her everything she had, including some really personal information, and all she had in return was this horrible, painful and oh so brutal treatment.

She had never thought it would have been her. Never.

The only emotion she had left inside of her was the feeling of betrayal and nothing else. No more pain, no more jealousy, no more happiness, no more sadness, no this, no that, no nothing. She had forgotten all the other feelings or emotions that she once felt in her life. Now she was just a walking zombie who was breathing, not living and who was surviving with an empty soul and no longer had a spirit inside her. She was just a breathing and surviving body that was a big waste of space.

Ever since that betrayal had happened, the naïve artist had gone mute. She simply could not bring herself to talk to anyone after that tragic event had happened. It not only caused her pain, it also brought back a large amount of unpleasant and horrifying memories. She had never forgotten what happened and certainly had not forgiven that former so called best friend of hers.

She had never trusted someone as much as her. Yet, the person she trusted the most gave her the most terrible response. She did not even told her the reason behind doing that. She just shut her out like what the artist did to the world beside her.

Deep inside her, she was so scared. Truth be told she was terrified. Terrified of being hurt ever again. She gave up almost everything yet she had nothing worthwhile in return. That really shocked her and had absolutely crushed her. How would she have known that this would have happened? If only she knew, she would have not told her former best friend about her drawings at all.

Little did her former so called best friend know, what she did to her so called best friend, also known as the young artist, had just pushed the youthful little artist deeper into the black hole that was behind the once naïve artist all along.

There finally came the day when the once naïve artist could not take everything anymore. She stabbed the extra large sized paint brush into a larger piece of cavern and painted her final and last masterpiece of her whole life that also put an end to her own life. That life that was filled with misery, betrayal, sadness, stress, pressure, depression, unhappiness. The life that deserved some happiness and joy. That life that was finally able to receive some happiness and pleasure, in another life.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2013 ⏰

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