Mommy's Little Girl

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'Mommy's little girl', the back of the picture read. Oh, that must've been so long ago.

Maybe when I was still a child, still naïve and easy to trick. Perhaps it went on a little longer, through my time in grade school because I didn't want to be the girl who wasn't loved by her mommy.

But now, all I can say is:
I am not mommy's little girl anymore.


"SAAARRAAAAHHHHH!!!" I hear my mommy screech at the top of her lungs as I hide under my bed. 'Oh god, what did I do tonight?' I ask myself frantically as I hear her angry footsteps outside of my bedroom. Shaking with fear, I bite down my scream of shock as my door is slammed open.

"Dammit Sarah, I know you're in here!" she shouts, as she moves further into my room. I hold myself as still as I can. My mother's footsteps move slowly...... very slowly..

I can't tell where she is now, and I can't move to see where her feet are. 'Oh dear lord, please don't let her find me,' I think hurriedly, 'please don't--' I yelp loudly as I'm pulled out from under my bed by my ankles.

"There you are." My mommy says grimly as she pulls me up by my hair. "I-I'm sorry mommy. Whatever I did to make you so mad tonight, I'm sorry!! I'm--"

"Oh, shut up!" She shouts, slapping me across the face, making me cry harder. "God, you're such a pathetic waste! Standing there crying like that! You're seventeen for God's sake!! I can't believe I've kept you here for so long, let alone gave birth to you. Unworthy, useless brat!"

She yells, flinging me to the ground and stomping out of my room. Sniffling, I wipe at my eyes as I feel something inside of me snap. I'm tired of all of this. I'm so, so tired of her. I can't stand her anymore; I'm finished.

On unsteady feet, I crawl into my bed and watch the clock, awaiting for my time to come.

****1 A.M./Three Hours Later****

I creep out of my bed and into the kitchen. 'I am done with this, it's time for all of it to end,' I think to myself as I grab the largest chef knife I can find. As silently as possible, I slowly walk to my mommy's room. I open the door wide enough for me to slip in and close it back shut.

Stealthily, I crouch and walk to her bed. Her room stinks of alcohol and overused drugs, and too many to name bodily fluids. I almost gag at the disgusting smell.

When I get close enough, I realize there are three sleeping figures in the bed. Which one is mommy? "Enie, meanie, mieni, moe," I mumble to myself and move to the left edge of the bed.

Luckily, it's mommy on this side.

No unnecessary blood will be spilt.

This all ends.

I lift the blade above my head and glare down at my mother. "I hate you so much mommy," I whisper. Suddenly, she begins to stir. She opens her eyes and sees me looming above her. Her eyes widen as she realizes my intent and moves a hand up in a surrender. "S-Sarah, please. Please, darling, d-don't do this."

I feel my heart turn cold at her words and my hatred only grew. Quickly, I slam the blade down into her chest, and the blood oozes out. I see the slight light in her eyes go out, and she falls limply against the bed.

She died without a sound. And her lovers will wake up in the most kinky position they've ever been in.


****Four Weeks Later****

When mommy's lovers woke up, they all were shocked. I had to play innocent daughter, and I freaked out until they left, threatening to call the police and accuse every one of them.

They left without looking back.

Mommy is still in her room, in bed, and I've been enjoying myself since I got rid of her. Though she is starting to make the house smell like dead people...

Humming, I walk into the living room, tea and cookies in my arms. I sit on the couch and turn on the television to my favorite cartoon. Not too long after I'm settled, there's a knock at the door.

I groan and set my tea down to get the door. Before I open the door, I see the blue and red flashing lights. 'Oh god, it's the police!!!' I think worriedly, 'Wait, I just have to act natural.' I open the door, and stand there innocently. There are two officers at my doorstep: one is short and fat and looks around thirty, and the other is tall and lanky, probably in his forties.

"Hello," I say as politely as I could, "may I help you, officers?" The tall one scrunches up his nose, and his lip curls in distaste. "We've just come to check up on this household, your neighbors have reported that your house smells putrid, and they haven't seen your mother around." the short fat one explains.

"I can tell why they say it stinks, it smells like something is rotting in here." says the tall one. "Oh yes, that's just because I've burnt my tea bags! And my mother hasn't been out much recently because she is sick with the flu." I lie smoothly and smile politely.

The tall officer glares down at me in disbelief. "Right, well, we have a search warrant," he says, holding up a piece of paper, "so we have the right to search your household." I glare at the officer, my hatred burning fiercely.

What a douche. "Of course not," I say, blocking the way in, "everything is fine here, good day." As I close the door, the officers push it open and let themselves in, causing me to fall, and they walk straight to mommy's room!!

"No! Don't go in there!" I shout, standing to go after them. "She's very sick, you can't disturb her!"

But it was too late... They opened the door and saw her dead, rotting corpse...

****Four Months Later****

Mommy's little girl, yes that was such a long time ago.

Maybe if she'd been different, I'd have had a loving mother, and a different future. I wouldn't have killed her.

But mommy was a bitch, so I gave her what she deserved: a terrible fate. A horrible way to die, at the hands of her own child.

I smile, rocking back and forth in the corner of my padded room. I can't rip the walls apart, especially now with this stupid straight jacket, but it's okay.

I'm free of mommy!!

Mommy's little girl? Yeah right.

A/N:: hello c: please tell me what you think of this short story, and if I should make any others. If you have suggestions for what you'd like to read, comment and if I can type it, you can read it. I really hope whoever spent their time to read this enjoyed it :33

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