Brusnop Oneshot

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Ben flopped down on the couch on the Asking tour bus. The early sunrise was just starting to break through the ebony darkness. He yawned and stretched, no point trying to sleep now, they were nearly at the venue. He glanced down the corridor of the bus and saw Cam lying face down on the floor. It had been a rough night partying, and he was still buzzing from all the JD shots they had been doing.

Suddenly a large figure rolled out of one of the top bunks and started heading towards Ben. He saw Danny stumble and trip over Cam, and a string of mumbled curses followed. He smiled softly; Danny was such a klutz when he was drunk.

"Can't sleep?” Ben whispered softly to Danny, and he jumped in surprise.
"Fuck, Benny, don't scare me like that."
"Aw, sorry Dan", Ben replied smiling.
"God what even happened last night? My head kills." Danny roughly croaked massaging his head, wincing in pain.
Ben stood and walked over to the sink, grabbed a glass of water and some aspirin, and silently hurried back to the couch. 
"Here sit down and take these", he said putting his hand on Danny's shoulder, and guided him down onto the sofa.

"Thanks Benny", Danny offered a weak smile and gulped the water down, "you always take care of me"
"Shuttup Danny, you're still drunk, anyway you're my best mate course I'd look out for you", the words tumbled from his lips, the same excuses as always.
"No Benji, I mean you're always there for me, even when I'm a complete idiot, you're always there, like in Seattle..."
"Shhh", Ben whispered softly, and suddenly the soft patters of rain could be heard on the roof of the bus.

Danny stared at his lap for a minute, as if trying to find the right words, and then suddenly started laughing. 
"What?" Ben asked, trying to calm his racing pulse.
"It's funny, how I'm always the one talking, like I never shut up, and now I... I don't even know how to say it... but..." Danny slurred, and his shoulders started shaking. 
Ben put his arm around the other man, and saw he was visibly upset.
"Hey man, you don't have to say anything right now, okay? Why don't we try to get some sleep for a couple of hours before we get to the venue?"

Ben put his arm around Danny, and supporting the exhausted man he guided them to the bunks, narrowly missing tripping over Cam again on the way back. Suddenly a flash of lightning spiked through the sky, illuminating the interior of the bus and was accompanied by a large crash of thunder, echoing and booming through the air. Danny flinched, and grabbed Ben's shoulders, burying his face in the familiar scent of his best friend.

Ben gripped Danny, and held him tight, protectively. 
"Dan, you okay? Talk to me Dan, what's wrong?" 
Danny just shook his head and held on tighter until the thunder stopped, then lifted his head, embarrassed. "Uhh, nothing, I... uh just don't like uh storms, it's nothing, sorry"
Ben just hugged Danny tighter, "It's okay Dan, I got you, yeah?" Danny just nodded in reply. "How about we get you to bed then?" Danny nodded again silently.

Ben walked through the dark corridor, guiding Danny around all the empty bottles and dirty clothes until they reached the back of the bus. He flicked the lights and the steady glow dissolved the shadows of the room, and in the dim illumination he could see Danny's eyes were tightly closed.
He guided the taller man towards the small bed on the floor and pulled the covers over his body. Suddenly another tongue of lightning flickered through the sky, and Danny let out a small cry. 
"Benji?” he whispered tentatively,” do you... umm would you mind staying, it's just, and I can't do lightning, and um, I know it's stupid and all..."
Ben simply cut him off by slipping under the covers next to Danny, and wrapped his toned arms around him.

They lay like that for a few minutes, listening to the rain, conscious of each other’s breathing and the simple skin contact. Danny's breathing grew more even as the storm quieted, and Ben's thoughts began racing. He felt a hitch in his breath, and he knew Danny must have heard it too. Danny rolled over, and rested his head on Ben's chest, tracing his familiar tattoos lost in thought. Ben could smell the alcohol on Danny's breath, and knew he must be slightly drunk himself. Knowing that didn't stop him from resting his chin on the top of Danny's head and softly whispering into his fluffy hair, "Dan, I think I love you".

Ben suddenly felt Danny freeze. Shit, he thought, panicking, his heartbeat pounded and he started backing up. Danny slowly looked up, and their eyes met. "Really, Benji? You mean it?” he whispered softly, his breath tickling along Ben's neck. Ben just nodded unable to comprehend what was happening. "I love you too, Benny". 
Ben's head felt like it was going to explode. Danny... loved him back? He slowly brought his face closer to Danny's, his eyes seeking permission. Danny responded by running his hands through Ben's hair, and pulling his lips towards his own. 
Time slowed down for a split second, and all Ben could feel was the other man's lips pressing firmly against his own. Danny moaned into Ben's mouth, and felt Ben's cool metal lip rings pressing into his skin.

Ben gripped Danny, tightly, trying to get closer, all the while tracing the other man's tattoos too; they were almost as familiar to him as his own, and he could see a smile tugging at Danny's lips. 
"What?" he murmured into Danny's skin, gently sucking at his neck.
Danny moaned in satisfaction, and lightly scratched Ben's back. "You have no idea..." he said in between gasps " long I've wanted to do this for..." 
Ben's reply was lost as Danny crashed their lips together again, and the only sound that could escape was a low moaning he was hardly aware he was making. 
The bus suddenly turned, and sent Danny crashing onto Ben, and Ben let out a soft grunt. Danny immediately got off, "Benny, you okay?” concern filled his voice.
He peered at Ben to see him quietly laughing, and he playfully punched Ben's shoulder, which started a play wrestling fight that only ended when they heard footsteps along the bus. 
"We've parked now, sound check in five hours everyone" Their tour manager's voice shouted down the corridor.

Danny grimaced and sighed, "I think sleep would be a good idea now", he said whilst slowly tracing along the coloured lines on Ben's body. 
"Mmmhm", Ben murmured smiling gently at Danny. He slowly pulled the covers over their bodies, and flicked off the lights. 
"Benny?" Danny whispered after a few minutes.
"Yeah, Dan-Bear", Ben replied sleepily.

"Will you... will you hold me?" He muttered quietly.
"Course", Ben answered, and wrapped both his arms tightly around Danny's warm body. 
As sleep began to pull at them both, Danny heard Ben whisper quietly into his hair: "Danny, I love you so fucking much", and as Ben began to fall asleep he heard Danny reply: "I love you too, Benji".

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