Chapter 1

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Shalnarks pov:
I took a deep breath and looked at Danchou, finishing with a sigh. Wtf Chrollo we aren't five stop doing this lame 'team building Tuesday' crap every single week. It's getting on my nerves...
"Alright group!!!~ so for today's activity, sugoi sugoi Desu chi, we are describing our handwriting~~~ first up, Shalnark!!! ~", He cheered, while placing a hand on his hip with the other making a peace sign. "Go for it Shalnark-kun!!!~" he chanted, followed by a wink headed towards my way.
I stand up and look down at the piece of paper where my 'gorgeous, sugoi and kawaii' handwriting is on and examine it with as much intent as Togashi when he said he would finish this damn series.
"My handwriting is hectic, unsteady and off the lines as much as my head. Am I done now?" Chrollos sugoi peace sign falls to the floor and he hangs his head in anime shoujo sadness. "Wtf shalnark,,,what was that emo shit all about!?!? Rwar X'''333" Feitan cries as he pulls his black and red scene kid fringe away from his cat eye makeup, a piece falling onto his Dan and Phil shirt. "Lmao Shal are you gey or some shizzle yo?? Ahaha u lame son nya pfft! U got feelings!!" Phinks scoffs as he scratches his very small balls under his sagging pants, pulling his hat backwards while his heavy and fake gold chains dangle onto his wife beater tank top.
I cross my arms "At least when I walk, sand doesn't fall out of my pants!!!" I cry and storm out of the room, only to hear the loud footsteps of Machi following me. "Damn Machi, you gotta loose weight oml you fatty" I complain.
Machi cries while simultaneously ranting on Tumblr, her beanie and fake hipster glasses loose on her. "My 27 followers will sure tell you otherwise!!!!" She cries even more and chokes on her tea that she bought from Publix,,,where shopping is a pleasure.
I decided I had enough and stormed out of the hideout, hiding my tears with my arm. While not noticing where I was running I crashed into a girl, "ey watch where you're goi-" I looked up and down at the girl, examining her (favorite anime) T-shirt that she probably got from Hot Topic at the clearance section and looking down to her overpriced sneakers. "You watch where you're going, you white boy!!!" She shouted.

(Y-n) POV:
"Stfu you weeb!!!" The white boy with the bowl haircut and purple skirt yelled at me. "Go away you twink!!!" I screamed and kicked his ankle, him not reacting in the slightest. The twink made an angry face at me and pulled out a lame keypad phone that looked like it came from a McDonalds Happy meal and started typing. He sighed, "I wonder how Danchou felt when I said all that..." I raised an eyebrow "what about a poncho???"
"Can you ever shut up, you weeb?? Don't ya have 4chan to go on???" He asked in an annoying tone. "That's it!!!" I shouted, grabbed his toy phone and smashed it on the ground, causing it to break. The twink widened his eyes in anger. "You shouldn't have done that."

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