An Illness Called a Crush

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Prompt: Imagine your otp that person A was 7 and had a crush on person B, but they didn't know how to deal with it so they wrote a note saying "Get out of my school" to them.

Pairing: LP x CN

Just before evening, Lusa was lazing around on his couch with some popcorn, playing a movie he randomly picked. The movie didn't seem to interest him much, but suddenly a memory from when he was a child appeared. It was an odd memory..

He was 7 and he had a crush on this girl. She was a rather playful girl who had plenty of jokes that could make anyone laugh. Her smiles were always bright and filled with happiness. Her laughs were everywhere he went, he loved it. He loved everything about her, he had a crush.

Aha, but being 7, he didn't understand what a crush was and didn't know how to deal with it. He didn't know why he gets so flustered whenever she asks him to play with her during recess or when she asks if she can eat lunch with him. Seven year old Lusa thought he had some strange illness that makes him a weirdo and he guessed that she gave him that "illness".

Being the little idiot that he was, he wrote a note to her that said Get out of my school. He thought that if she left, he would be cured of that illness. Lusa put it on her desk once he got the chance.

After school, on the same day as he was waiting for his mother to pick him up, he got hit in the back of the head by a backpack filled with hard-back books. He was fighting back the tears forming in his eyes from the pain when he turned around to see the girl he was crushing on with her arms crossed, holding the note he gave her in a crumpled ball. Her face was red in anger with an adorable pout, which caused Lusa to get even more flustered and confused.

She threw the crumpled note at his forehead before she exclaimed, "You meanie! Why would you say that? I wanted to be friends with you, but I guess not anymore!" She huffed angrily.

Lusa blinked once, twice, and then a third time before, "EHHHHHHH?"

He didn't think he was being mean when he gave her that note, stupid Lusa logic.

"H-How did you even know that it was me who wrote it?!"

She looked like she wanted to slap some sense into him.

"You big dummy! You wrote your name on the note!"

He smacked his head with his hand because of his own idiocy.

And so.. after that incident, there has always been an aura of awkwardness and tension between the two which baffled their teacher greatly. The girl would always say Hmph when she sees him before walking away.

Lusa sighed as he closed his eyes. But you know, currently the two are now best friends. The two made up after a month from the incident and decided to start fresh as new friends. As the years passed, and as they got older, he learned what that "illness" he had was. He concluded that he would not be cured from it until he knows, for sure, that she too, has the illness called a crush.

The light from the TV in the dim room was soon blocked out by something which caused him to open his eyes. He found his best friend, the girl who he had gotten his illness from, the girl who had his cure, standing in front of the TV with a grin on her face.

"Lazy doofus, what are you watching? It definitely does not look like it captures your attention if you were about to fall asleep."

He looked away from her gaze as he muttered, "Well, I found something that captures it now.."

"What was that?"

He quickly sat up right and nervously laughed as he lamely said that it was nothing important.

She raised an eyebrow, but brushed it off as she sat next to him.

"Do you mind if we watch something together?" She smiled before popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth, the light of the TV brightening up her glistening auburn eyes.

Lusa lightly blushed from the sight, but he ignored it as he returned the smile.

"I don't mind Eve."

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