I keep my eyes wide shut to the world that tries to show me what to do.
People often refer to couples having
The "dominant" and the "submissive",
The "one who wears the pants" and the one who doesn't,
"The man" and "The woman",
With the main premise being that one is the leader and the other a follower.
But fuck that,
Where's my other shoe?
Where's the ink in the pen?
Where's the red light to the green,
The projector to the cinema screen
The creationism to the big bang,
Magnetic poles, yin and yang
Because, when was it so important to follow or lead, rather than just be?
I'm just searching for a successful set of scales, the perfect parallel,
I mean, the whole point of me holding your hand when we walk ain't cos I'm walking two steps behind you, it's cos I'm wanting to step beside you,
Wherever the hell we end up.
I keep my eyes wide shut when we go for the kiss,
Because people these days obsess over weird shit like facial proportions and body figure shapes since they need to approve before making moves but
If you've ever felt a cold breeze on a hot summer's day, you've noticed that the best things are never seen.
And being intimate
More than anything, is about the sentiment,
Seeing as one pair can be nations away and never experience continental drift
While one pair could be in the same bed yet be a million miles apart.
Because authenticity doesn't originate from between your legs,
But between your head and the thing between your ribs,
Between you and the person between your arms and beating chest,
Between shared memories and dark pasts, haunting dreams, heart-to-hearts,
Between the one, between the two,
And between the two of you, fingers laced, in between the rest of time and space.
So I keep my eyes wide shut,
Well aware but refusing to watch.
Because I can't be fucked being "The woman" or even "The man"
Let's just be.
Let's choose not to see.
Let's hold hands, even in front of your friends (and my home boys).
And perhaps let's both keep our eyes wide shut
Because the best things are never seen.
2016: Change From My Pockets
PoetrySo, I've decided I'm just going to make a new story of poems every year. This is the one for 2016.