Chapter 1 (unedited)

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Addictions pov

"go on baby, just one more hit won't kill you" i was pushing for this guy to take one more hit of whatever drug he had scored, i didn't care at all that this was in fact the last hit this smuck would ever take, his heart was about to give up, his nose was bleeding his skin was pale and blue, his hair had lost the shine and the bags under his dark eyes that hung on his thin face had become as black as coal, almost like a barrier and the dark patches on his cheeks where almost like bruies. This was sure a sight to see, you wouldnt think that only a year ago he was a high school heart throb, now i had turned him into nothing more the a shell of himself and i was very pleased. As he took his last hit, another cycle was over, another human life was gone from this earth and i was more happy to admite this was all my doing ,i stood up from the couch and walked over to the broken mirror, i looked over myself and smiled, i have seen alot of addicts and i say this one was had just no will power what so ever and it made me laugh, as i looked around the trashed apartment that had beer cans, broken glass and discarded needles, i wondered what he may have become without me . i picked up my shoes and put them back on zipping up the back, walked over to the the TV that played nothing but a buzzing noise and brushed the empty packets away from the photo frame that you could see sticking out from under, i picked it up and smiled, it was a picture of this guy and his girlfriend before of course she walked in on him fucking me, he was so high that he didn't even registister the slap that she gave him, he just pushed her away and carried on.

"oh Addiction, you really do not have a heart do you?" i snapped my head around to see my good friend chaos sat crossed legged on the sofa next to the guy that had just died, i gave a sly smile and turned my whole body to look at him "no i do not choas" i flashed him a smile and have him a wink while I walked across the dingy room and sat on his lap "you're such a bitch" i laughed leaning forwards and taking the cigarettes out of the jacket pocket of the dead guy, i patted down myself but i couldn't find a lighter.

"here let me get that" and with a snap of his fingures, a light blue flame appeared to nearly engulf his hand

"oh finally something that you do that is useful" i chucked taking his hand and lit the cigarette

"so what are you going to do now?" choas said taking the ciggrette off me and taking a long drag

"Go back to the high school, and get another victim, what are your plans?"

"I am still messing with that girl, shes got s strong will that i really hate, after all shes going to give up i just need her to make her crack"

"Can't you just force her into it" i smiled taking back the ciggrett that he had stolen eairler

"Nahh this one is a virgin, she needs to surrender herself to me, and if i rape her she is never gonna be cool giving herself to me" i smiled and stood up off choas's lap "where you off to my dearest addiction?"

"to find myself someone else, my suggestion would be that you come with me and see how its done" i winked at him, i walked back over to the mirror and looked at my sliver hair adding a clip and more red lipstick, i felt cold hand wrap around the exsposed part of my stomach and a head in the nape of my neck, in the cracked mirror i saw choas stood looking at me

"you can get anyone you want because all you have to is wink your eye and kick them black heels and every single lad can't seem to resist you"

"does that include you?" he lowered his hand to my ass and squeezed really hard, i shifted my hips slighly forwards

"That may include me but i have one thing that they don't" i laughed feeling my playful side come out

"oh and what would that be?"

"the ability to make you feel like this" he ran his sharp claws down my back ripping open my shirt and exposing my chest i gasped as he spun me around and started trailing kisses down my neck and my chest. i pushed myself forwards into him and i instanity felt his arousal

"POLICE OPEN THE DOOR" oh for fuck sake

"i better get going so you can put on that battered wife thing that you do, we will finish this later "and just as the cops burst through the door he was gone and i was on the floor battered and bruised or at least that is what i want them to think

"mam are you okay?" i looked up to see a male officers looking down at me

"please help him i love him so much" the officer looked confused for a monent then another officer came through the door

" theres a body in here could have been dead for a few hours skin is grey and cold"

"okay johnson call the medicts, come along mam lets get you out of here we have to ask you a few questions then we can let you go, do you have someone we can contact for you?"

"yes you can contact my brother Alex"

"okay mam come this way"

Kyles pov

"Kyle are you ready yet?" My big brother andrew shouted through the door of my bedroom

"ye ye i'm nearly done" i sighed looking at myself in the mirror one time, it was a week after Jake, my very good friend had died from a new drug he called Addiction, he ofter refured to it as a her, like it was somthing more then a drug. He said that it made him feel powerful and strong and that he knew it loved him like no one ever could, i am sure that if any one outside the few of us heard what he was saying that would have thought it was a girl. His girlfriend was desroyed when she found him on his bed compleaty zoned out and still taking more. I opened the door to the bathroom and my brother was stood there waiting for me

"are you okay Kyle?" he asked putting his hand on my shoulder to try and comfort me some

"yeah i am good, i just never thought i would be going to my best friends funeral" my brother threw me a smyptheic look and walked me down the stairs where my mum stood in a red dress and shoes Jake had said that he never wanted everyone to be wearing black at his funiral, he must of known he was going to die because the night before he did he had left his mum and dad a note saying what he wanted for his send off.

"how are you sweetie, i know this a big thing for you to be going through" i gave her a smile and walked to the car, i couldn't help but think of what Jake has said to me just days before he had died, he had told me that Addiction was more then just some drug he said that it loved him no other way. It had made him feel alive although he was very close to death, he saod it was like playing a game with fate and that he won every time because Addiction was on his side.

I had tried to tell him it was nothing more then a drug that he was taking but he was truly convinced that it was in fact a real thing and once more that it was in fact a real thing that he could love and that loved him back.

"Sweetie are you going to get in the car?" in my thoughts i had ftten what i was doing, i looked up at my mum who was still very concered, i nodded and opened the door and with that we were on our way to the worst day of my life and there was nothing that would change that.

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