Chapter 16

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After we ate at the mall, we went back to shopping for an hour. We decided to head back home, and finally, Kian and Sam decided to go back to their own houses.

"So, how long were you guys at my house?" I asked playfully.

"I dont know, about five days?" Kian replies, looking at Sam, for an agreement. "Yeah about...." Sam said pulling into my driveway. I notice that my moms car is parked.

"My mom is home?" I asked confused. The boys don't answer. My mom works until midnight usually. I get out and hurry in the house.

"Mom?" I ask kicking off my shoes.

"In the kitchen!" She replies.

I walk in, and see her at the the table. There is a man sitting there about her age(38). He looks a bit intimidating.

"Hi honey pie! This is Rick, we met online!" She said happily. My mouth dropped to the floor. I hear the front door open, and I know it's Kian and Sam.

"Sweetie, say hello." My mom says sternly.

"Hi....." I manage to say. Why would my mom do that? I mean, it's good for her to move on, but my dad was someone who wasn't supposed to be replaced and forgotten. Anger boiled up inside me.

"I'll be in my room" I say turning on my heel. I see Kian and Sam waiting outside the kitchen, and I motion them to follow. They look confused. I enter my room and sit on my bed. Sam comes and sits beside me and Kian takes my desk chair.

"Whats wrong babe?!" Sam asks with concern falling over his face. I just can't believe it. I take the picture off my night table and look at it. It was a picture of me, my mom and my dad. My dad was kissing my moms cheek and she had a smile that was from ear to ear. I was in his arms holding onto his neck smiling at the camera. I was seven in the picture. My long brown hair, flowing past my shoulders. I let a tear slip down my cheek.

"Kessie? You know I don't like to see you cry, tell me whats wrong." Sam said wiping the tear. Kian sat there awkwardly.

"My mom. Shes found another guy......" I trailed off, placing the framed photo back in it's place. Sam didn't say anything. I didn't blame him. What was he supposed to say?

"Umm, dont you have a date to go to?!" Kian said looking at his phone and smirking. I smiled. Kian makes me so happy!

"Yes, we do!" I say looking at Sam who kisses me on the cheek.

"Better go get ready" I told him.

"Yeah ok. I'll pick you up at six!" He says walking out the door with Kian following. I quickly rush out to the hall and hug Kian from behind.

"What was that for?" He asked surpriesd. "Don't know." I say shrugging. "Your my best friend, I guess!" I tell him. He kisses me on the cheek, which makes me blush. "Your cute when you blush! Text me!" He says catching up with Sam. I sigh. I have such amazing friends.



I walk downstairs, back into the kitchen. My mom and Rick are still in there. My mom looks at me and smiles.

"Where are you going?" She asks looking at my outfit.

"Out with Sam!" I say sitting on a barstool. "Where?" She asks. "Don't know mom! It's a surprise." I say annoyed. My mom sighs. "Your dad always took me on surprise outings!" She says looking to the ceiling as if she was remembering those memories.

"Anyway, so, Rick, this is my daughter, Kessie, shes 17. Kessie, this is Rick. Rick has a son, Logan, and hes 14." My mom tells me. I put on a fake smile.

"Great!" I say sarcastically.

"Sooooo, are you two, like uh dating?" I ask fiddling with my fingers. My mom nods smiling. "Rick is planning to move in with us, and of course Logan aswell!" She says grabbing his hand. My eyes widen and I drop my phone that was in my hand. Luckily, it didn't break! My mom looks at me curiously. It was an awkward silence. How could this be happening?!

"So, Kessie, I'm guessing Sam is your boyfriend?" He asks. "Why would you care...." I mumble under my breath, but unfortunately my mom heres. "Kesteral Marie Parker!! He's trying to make conversation. Be polite for gods sake!" She snaps. I roll my eyes.

"Yes he is Rick" I say hopping of the stool, and grabbing my phone.

"Have a nice evening!" I say sarcastically. Really, I am hurt inside.

I hear the doorbell ring, and take my time to get it. I open it and see Sam standing there with a snapback on backwards. Hes in black skinny jeans and a plain whit t-shirt. He had on some light blue vans. He smiles when he sees me and kisses me. I decide to wear my matching light blue vans aswell.

"Copy-cat!" He says jokingly.

"Whatever!" I say closing the door behind me. We walk to his car, and I get in the passenger seat. He pulls out of the driveway.

"Where to?" I ask looking out the window. "Not telling!" He says. I smile. Hes so cute! After about ten minutes of driving, we get to a restaurant. Its not to fancy and not to casual. I smile. "Nice choice" I say nodding my head in approval. We enter. The employee that is supposed to seat you is dressed in a way I dont like very much. Her long blond hair is tied into a bun on the top of her head. Some lonely strands are coming down the sides. She has light blue eyes and she has so much mascara on. Her lips are bright pink. As for her clothes? A tight short skirt and a very small white tank, that you can see her bellybutton piercing. She has some black heels on. Why would someone where those at work?

"Hi there! A table for two?" She asks keeping her eyes on Sam. "Yes please" He says grabbing my hand. She trails down to our hands and looks annoyed. She looks at me and glares. I tense up a bit. "Follow me" she says turning and walking with her heels clicking on the tiled floor. She sets dow the menus.

"What can I get you to drink handsome?" She asks obviously trying to flirt. "Water" Sam mumbles, getting annoyed. "And for the girl?" She asks not looking at me. "Water" I say. I look at Sam who has an apologetic look on his face. "Um excuse me?" He asks the blond. "Yes?" She asks smiling. "Can we get a different waiter or waitress?" He asks. Her smile frowns, and she looks at me. "Your girl is jealous?" She looks at me in disgust. I feel my face heat up. I swallow.

"No, I just don't want a girl, who tries to flirt with me when I have a girlfriend" He says simply, and she blushes. "Ok fine then, whatever for this princess!" She sneers and walks away. "Im sorry for taking you here!" Sam sighs. "You didn't know, its fine." I reassure him.

The blondie comes back holding a tray with water on it. There is another girl with a short black hair following. The blond first sets down Sams cup and then mine but "accidentaly" knocks the water over, causing it to spill on me. I gasp, and grab napkins. Sam looks like he's going to blow up. "Whoops! Sorry princess!" She says trying not to laugh. The black haired girl, is grabbing napkins from other tables and handing them to Sam.

The blond winks at Sam and leaves. He looks mad. "Sorry about that, i'm Veronica, and i'll be your new waitress for this evening. Are you ready to order?" She asks politely. I see Sam relaxing, because Veronica is not like the blondie. I stare at my lap, which looks like I peed my pants.

"Could I get the bacon burger, with fries?" Sam orders. She scribbled it on a notpad. "And for you dear?" She asks looking at me. "Um could I get the zesty chicken salad please?" She nods and grabs my cup. "I'll refill this for you" She says. "Thanks" I reply watching her leave.

I turn to Sam. He is shaking his head.
"Get over it Sam. She was jealous!" I say flicking my hand. "I can't believe she did that though!" Sam said eyes wide.

20 minutes later, our food came. We thanked Veronica and started eating. A couple if girls walked past our table glancing at Sam. Sam looked at them too, turning his head back to watch them. I look back at my food, jealous, and pretending that I didn't see anything.

We finished up and left. I told Sam just to drop me back off at my house. He kissed me and I opened the door. "Bye babe! Text me! And sorry bout tonight....." He says trailing off. "Bye" I simply say.

I walk in the house, to find my mom, cleaning up a bit. I walk past her and head up to my room. I change, out of my wet jeans, and put on my pajamas. It was 8:00. I put mean girls in my dvd player and start watching it. I hear my phone buzz.

(D=David K=Kessi)

D-Hey! Hows it going?

K-Horrible, and you?

D- Horrible? Im fine, chilling with Jarrad.

K- Yeah, family problemsXD

D- Do you mind telling me?

K- So my mom met this guy rick online, long story short, they fell in love and now he is moving in with his son Logan, and im mad:/

D- sorry to hear that:( text me when ur ever mad:)<3 we should hang out somtime. Gtg my mom is yelling at me to get off my phone. Bye!

K- Thanks davy! Ok bye

I yawn and watch the rest of my movie. When its done, I fall into a deep sleep.


Aye! Tomorrow might be the last day i can update.:( boohooo! I love writing for y'all. I wont be able to update for 5 days since im goin on a little trip! Im excited. Hope u like the chapter, i made it extra long lol.


~A ps ill post maybe 2 more chapters!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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