Have you ever been so crazy about someone you'd do ANYTHING to be with them, close to them, talk to them? Well, you've probably guessed right, that's my life.
I still remember the day he walked into my life, like really came into my life, not when I was just eyeing him
from afar. I had noticed him because of his good looks yet I knew there was more to him and I was just dying to figure out what it was.
Back to that day, we were all just hanging out with friends and he was there! I was psyched but just didn't know how in the world I would approach him. Yes, you've guessed right again, I'm one of those awkward girls that just babble on forever. I was certain he was special so I just decided to not blow it up and just admire him from afar like I always do. Yet when it came time that I had to leave I was saying bye to everyone and there he was looking at me. Everything just stopped and I swear my heart was thumping so loud he could probably hear it. Of course instantly I turned bright red like a tomato! He saw me and smiled and opened his arms for a hug, A HUG. God I honestly could not believe it like seriously, he wants to hug me? Well, the second his arms wrapped around me and mine around his I knew he was the one. I had never in my life felt that way from a hug before. EVER. And I just knew he had felt it as well too.
From then on I knew I had to talk to him, get his number I don't know whatever it was needed for me to able to talk to him. I Gathered up all my courage and got his number! Crazy right? Me getting a guys number? HA! Honestly I probably would've never done it since I barely have any balls, but I just knew I couldn't let him be the one that got away. I should've though.
That's when everything began...