Nights like no other (One Direction)

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Hi my name is Jc. I am 18, I have green eyes, long dirty blonde hair, I am apparently weird to my friends but that's what they love about me because when they are down they come talk to me and I make them laugh. I love to go out and party. But on one night it all changes and I still haven't decided if it was for the worst or the best.

Chapter 1: The split!!

"Jc hurry your fat arse, and get down here already!" My best friend Loryn yelled at me from downstairs.

"Ok ok I'm coming!" I said. Walking downstairs.

I saw she was wearing a a black penicl skirt, a mint green crop-top, black studded heels in the back. With her cherry red hair straightened to perfection.

"Wow someones dressed to impress tonight huh?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows.

"Wellll..." she said carying out the 'l'.

"Oh no don't tell me that your boy toy, is gonna be there!!" I said giving her daggers.

"Funny thing you mention that, cause he!" she said a little hesitant.

"But Loryn this is supposed to be girls night out at the club. That's why I invited Chloe and Alex too!"

"I know but I had to he thought I was sneaking around behind his back so I had to let him come to prove it!" she complained.

I am so mad at her right now. We were gonna have a girls night at the club because with me just finishing Uni I now have time to spend which I havent had with it being in Alice springs, Australia not Port Hedland, Australia.

But now I'm even more mad because she invites her abusive boyfriend.

"Loryn he beats you for the fun of it and I'm pretty sure sneaks around behind your back and your telling me after all that he thinks you have the courage to cheat on HIM???" I asked emphasizing him.

"Jc he doesn't cheat in me and apparently he does think I cheat!" She said sounding heartbroken.

"Loryn break. up. with. him.!!!" I said slowly.

"You know why I can't do that!!" She said starting to sound angry.

"Don't you dare tell me its because you love him! He beats you and thinks you cheat on him when he knows you know what will happen if you do! That prick doesn't even deserve so much as a glance from you!!" I shouted now angry.

"Enough I'm done talking about this lets just go pick him up and go to the club!" She said looking down shamefully.

I sighed and picked up my phone and put it in my purse and walked out the door. I hopped in the passenger seat. Loryn was not to far behind in getting in and starting our way to Tony's house.

When we got to his house he came up to the passengers seat and just started eyeing me up and down. Even though I was wearing a long sleeved silver dress that ends right under mid-thigh with black knee high high-heeled boots, he made me feel like I was wearing near to nothing. I got tired of himm eyeing me up and down especially infront of his girlfriend who he accused of cheating I broke the the silence.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked quite rudely.

"Not now but maybe later!" He said with a lopsided smirk and winked at me.

"Ok that's it!" I said and unbuckled my seat belt. Loryn grabbed my forearm and begged.

"Jc please don't hurt or say anything!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2013 ⏰

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