dunno what to call this<3. part1&2.

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Ellie looked up at the grey prison building. She looked around, and quickly ran inside – hoping no one would see her. She did not want anybody knowing her relative is a criminal, then they’d know the real truth of her scars, bruises, cuts, and broken bones. She went to the main desk, slowly. “I-I-I’d like to see Jack Holdem..P-p-please…” The old wrinkly woman huffed, “Jack? Its his first visit since his been here. You must sure miss him.” Ellie frowned. “No way – I just want to know the truth about something.”  The lady got up and gave Ellie a a number. “Look for that table. Its Jack’s.” she huffed, picking up a phone, and pressing numbers. Ellie smiled weakly. “Thanks..” she said, clenching the number and looking for the table. She sat down. Looking around. “Wow, there’s nothing here, except four plain walls, and a few tables with chairs. Wooden, black ones. Horrible!” she thought. Suddenly, a horrid face caught her attention. “Dad.” She said, under her breathe. He gave her a evil look. “Not you.” He mouthed, trying to pull himself away from the arms of a police man, heading back in the direction he just came from. “Not going anywhere mate.” Said the police officer, tightening the handcuffs. He placed Jack on his chair. Ellie looked up at him. “Dad, I’m here to find out something” Jack looked up at her. “What kid?” he said, “What?” Ellie unclenched her fists. “I want to know why you abused me and mum..” Jack laughed. “Well..”


“Well, what?!” Ellie said, annoyed. “Look – I can’t do it anymore,” Jack said, helplessly. “Can’t do what?!” Ellie snapped. “I can’t act hard, this isn’t me. I was taking drugs, it was making me be like this. Please help me!” Ellie was speechless. “Dad, oh, I’m sorry…” and with that, Jack got up and left. Ellie felt guilty. “I’ve got to bail him out, I’ve gotta!” she thought. The next morning, Ellie told her mum everything. Her mum just laughed. “Oh darling, you believe this?!” Ellie glared at her mum. “Mum, I’m not laughing. I need your help. I love my dad, it wasn’t his fault!” Her mum smiled. “Look, its kind for you to do this, but once he’s out-he’ll be back on the drugs and everything. Don’t believe him, he’s a liar.” But Ellie would not give up. She went straight to the woman next door’s house. She lifted the heavy, iron knocker and waited. Instantly, the door flang open. A old woman, dressed in a pink, fluffy dressing gown and slippers. “Oh hello my dear! What do you want, um…” She said, squinting her eyes. “Is it Emma?” Ellie laughed, “No miss, its Ellie.” She laughed, “Oh yes of course. Now what can I do for you?” She said, smiling. “Well, I was wondering if you want me to walk your 3 dogs, just for a little price?” The lady laughed. “Yes! That would be a great help, I’ll pay £20 per dog.” Then she shut the door, as her oven timer started. “Wow,” Thought Ellie. “She must be loaded.” Then she smirked and skipped back home, in a good mood. She opened the door and yelled. “MUM, MUM! MISS BAKER IS GONNA PAY ME 2O QUID PER DOG! SHES GOT 3!” Her mum laughed. “I’m afraid, you can’t do that job.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2011 ⏰

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