A girl, that's all people think she is. A 16-year-old girl that sits in the back of the class, that doesn't raise her hand and doesn't talk to anybody, but she's more than that.
She's more than a shadow. But I guess we should actually start her story nine years ago...
When she was seven, her mom and dad died in a tragic car crash, so she had to live with her aunt but she was never around because she traveled for a living.
So it was always the butler's job to take care of the girl. Finally her aunt returned from a long trip to Hawaii and end ended up finding the so called '' Love of her life'' and told the girl she was moving to Hawaii to be with him. Her Aunt told her she couldn't come because he doesn't like kids and that the girl had to live with her alcoholic uncle.
Once she moved in with her uncle she found out it didn't really feel any different than when she lived with her aunt because her uncle was always at a bar, a club, to drunk to understand anything, or passed out on the couch. The only difference was that there was no butler to take care of her, so she had to grow up and be responsible at a very young age so she could take care of herself and especially her uncle.