Spying In Heels

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Click, click, click. That was the only sound that could be heard echoing through the hall. Hundreds of shoes making their way to work, my particular pair were Gucci high heeled ‘barbara’ pumps. They were black leather with a brass ornament. I smiled down at them as I entered the lift. This was why I loved this particular mission, it was combining my two loves. My job as an agent for the C.I.A. and fashion- in particular shoes.

I exited the lift when we reached the floor for Miss Delia Winterbours, editor of US vogue's office, In the Vogue offices at Times Square in New York. I have been assigned the mission of watching over Miss Winterbours to see if she is in danger from international terrorists, trying to target prominent figures in the media. Although Miss Winterbours' demands and constant overwork were a pain it was definitely worth it for the pay and clothes. I am posing as her secretary and today am wearing an Armani ruffled twirl grey trench under which was a Stella McCartney black pencil skirt tucked into which was Alexander McQueen double cuff shirt and don’t forget those incredible shoes!

I take of my trench and hang it on the hook behind my desk  before sitting down. Sighing, I look up as a sudden hush falls and all the bustling people stand still. Miss Delia Winterbours steps through the crowd taking of her coat slinging it at a nearby person and marching smartly into her office.

“Anna, I want a decaf latte on my desk in ten minutes no more no less, oh and go talk to Jeremy in wardrobe about the flower fairy hairpieces, this is autumn not spring, you’d think there was a garden growing on the girls head.” Said Miss Winterbours.

“Of course Miss Winterbours, right away Miss Winterbours.” I stood up sighing, off we go then. I ran out of the room skidding into the lift just as it was closing. I shot out when we reached the lobby hurrying over to the small coffee stall in the corner. Once I had the coffee I shot back into the elevator going back to hand the coffee to my startled undersecretary. I hopped back into the lift again and went to the wardrobe department.

Stepping out of the lift into wardrobe department is like stepping out of the back of the wardrobe from Narnia into a magical land. Rack upon rack of clothes lines the huge room. There’s ball gowns, playsuits, cocktail dresses, prom dresses, jeans of every colour shape and style, trench coats, leather jackets, blazer jackets, pencil skirts, tulip skirts and so much more. They have a separate room for bags and another for shoes. They are both filled with bookshelves and the bookshelves are filled with that rooms contents all nicely displayed. I walked over to where Jeremy was stood instructing a girl on the placing of an oversized vintage Victorian brooch on a large pink silk shirt. Jeremy you see is the head of wardrobe and fittings.

“Jeremy, Miss Frostbite ( That’s our pet name for the Miss Winterbours) wants you to go easy on the number of flowers on the flower fairy girls headbands. As she put it 'you’d think they had a garden on their head' ”

“Honestly the woman asks for a garden explosion and then says it’s too much!? Well she should have specified that she meant topiary garden.” Said Jeremy exasperatedly.

“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger!” I said grinning.

“I know I’m sorry. It’s just that she is so annoying!!!” He said throwing his hands in the air.

“Anyways, nice chatting to you but I’ve got to get back before Miss Frostbite gets chance to freeze me with one of her glares.” I said calling behind me whilst dashing for a fast closing lift door. I squeezed through in the nick of time. I leant against the wall to catch my breath; today was going to be a long day.

10 hours later

I crashed angrily into my flat chucking my stuff into a corner and pulling of my shoes. Honestly, Miss Winterbours kept me in extra late because of the goddamn lack of authentic Egyptian kohl for the Cleopatra cover. I fell back onto the bed immediately passing out fully clothed from exhaustion. However not before realising I was supposed to have debriefed two hours earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2011 ⏰

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