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Hey caleb what are you doing
nothing just looking at the most beautiful girl in the world
aww your to sweet and the I'm looking at the most hottest guy ever
you think I'm hot well if I'm hot your sexy
oh wow I never knew I was that
oh baby you are and never forget it
(Caleb puts his arm around jodi waist and kisses her and she kisses back Caleb picks her up and jodi legs are around his waist and gently lays her on the bed and kisses her neck leaving a hickey and breaks the kiss to take her shirt off and takes his off)
are you sure Caleb said
yeah positive jodi said
and you can guess what happened Caleb wakes up and sees its only 9:30 p.m. and kiss jodi on her neck she smiles and wakes up
hey jodes you up or want to go back to sleep cause you can I wouldn't bother you
no Caleb I. wake more and awake than ever I love you
I love you too and you were good no amazing for your first time
you too and have to tell you something later but right now let's go eat something and the girls are probably worried
alright I have some clothes you can borrow how bout a sweat shirt and pants
sound good babe thanks
no problem now let's go baby
they walked out of the dorm to find sunhi, corki, and darmala standing at the door arms crossed
hey guys what are you doing
we should be saying that to you Caleb I mean you guys were in the room for 6 hours
well we overslept Caleb said
yeah we overslept jodi said nervously
jodi can we speak to you now!! in private sun hi said
okay Caleb I will see you later jodi said
back at the girls dorm
so jodi what were you in Caleb room for you so long corky said tapping her fingers
um no reason we fell asleep jodi said
no you guys would wake up and told us sun hi said
okay um me and Caleb had a little session and went to sleep jodi said putting her head down
OMG!!! you jodi mappa had sex with Caleb Davis sun hi said
yes I did and it was good so don't be tripping and go to sleep I'm tired girls
fine but were talking about this in the morning corky said
ya ya good night jodi said and went to sleep with a smile

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