Always and Forever ♥ (Short Story)

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There we were. Lying on a hill watching the sky and pointing out shapes and faces that the clouds were creating. It was a summer afternoon watching the sun slowly hide behind the water of the ocean.

I was admiring the skies until I felt his hand intertwine with my own. I look to my right and saw that he had a half smile on his face.

"What are you doing?" I say a little taken aback feeling my cheeks about to explode meanwhile still holding his hand.

"Look Grace..." he said, and took a deep breath, "I've loved you since the longest. It was so hard to see you with your last boyfriend. It killed me seeing you in his arms other than mine. Why do you think I never hung out with you guys? I've waited too long to tell you how I feel. I'm truly, madly, deeply in love with you Grace." he finishes with a smile.

We've known each other since the 5th grade, and now we're Seniors in High School, and to hear him say that... I was so surprised, and for some reason, I felt butterflies in my stomach more than ever. Wow, I think I'm in love with him to.

"Please say something. The anxiety is killing me... just like your beauty." Joseph says with his cheeks looking like cherries

I sit up and look into his deep chocolate brown eyes where I see truth and so much love inside of them.

"Joseph... you have no idea how long I have waited to hear those words from you. I'm truly, madly, deeply in love with you to." I say blushing terribly

He had a huge grin showing his beautiful smile that I absolutely love.

"Well, there's only one more thing left.." he says as he takes my hand and stand face to face. Right as I stand up, he kneels down in one knee holding my right hand.

"Grace, will you make me the happiest guy and be my girlfriend?"

he says smiling

"Of course I will." I say bending down to his level and put my hands on either side of his cheeks, and crash my lips against his.

He stands up not breaking the kiss, picks me up by my waist and smiles into the kiss.

"I love you forever and always." he says still holding me and smiling

"Forever and ever babe." I say with a grin

★End of flashback★

I'm pulled out of my thoughts, remembering how the adventure all started.

I sit beside Joseph's hospital bed, watching the cancer slowly kill him. I've been here 24/7 for about a month. I brought a lot of our clothes and I even take showers here.

"Babe, you should go home and get some rest. You look exhausted." he says with his beautiful eyes looking tired and his soft voice raspy.

"No. I'm not leaving your side. Remember our vows? 'In sickness and in health?' I love you baby. I wish it was me going through your pain." I say beginning to softly cry

It has been thirty seven years that we've been together, and they have been the best thirty seven years of my life. We have 3 beautiful children. The first born is Joseph Jr. and he is 19. The second born is Ruth, and she's 18. Last but not least, Amelia, who is 17. They have made us very proud.

"Don't say that honey. Everything happens for a reason. Just remember..." he continues as he grabs both of my hands,"..I have loved you every second of everyday that I've spent with you. When I'm gone, and if you ever feel lonely, just look up at the brightest star. I know that I physically won't be there, but my spirit will, but I will comfort you everyday until we meet again. Take care of our children. I love you forever and always.." and that was it. The love of my life is gone. I sat there heartbroken.

"Forever and ever babe." I whispered and cried, just waiting for him to somehow wake up... but he never did.


After the funeral, I sat by the window from our bedroom looking up at the stars. There it was... the brightest one. I smiled and said, " I'll love you... Always and Forever."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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