The new friend (Skylox)

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A/N so hey everyone, this is my first skylox fanfic and yuppies so hope you enjoy :p

--***Sky's POV***--

"Sky get up!, today is the big day!" my mom called from downstairs, urgh, what is she talking abou- oh yeah, we're moving today.... I sighed and and got up, walked to the dresser and got some clothes, simple, just a pair of black skinny jeans, a black shirt, and my sunglasses, I looked at myself in the mirror, I hate my eyes so much, that's why I wear my sunglasses, I walk downstairs "honey, breakfast is on table" eggs, bacon, orange juice, toast, I sat down to eat, then I realized something, "DA BUDDER!!!!" I practically screamed, my mom questioned me, 'Don't question me woman' I thought, but she just laughed and smile, when I finished, we finally had everything packed up and ready to go, I got in the car and took one last look at the house, I'm not going to miss this, after all the hell I went through, being bullied, good reason my mom got promoted to a better job, I never told anyone, so I started cutting when this all started, today was pretty cold, well I guess since it is September, my mom said "honey you should get some more rest, it's going to be a while" I questioned this "where are we going to?" "Texas." she said with a smile, Jesus that's really far, I grinned, I couldn't wait, Texas is my new home.

***--Ty's POV--***

God it was late, I got up and took a shower, not even bothering to put on a shirt afterwards, but definitely pants, can't walk around with no pants, it's, weird, even though I'm alone, my parents died a few years ago, so now I'm alone, but I did hear the as the house next to mine was sold to a family of two, a mother and a son a few years older then me, God I'm already 17, honestly I was bored as can be, all I could think about is the new boy, what was he like, was he a jerk, that would beat me up? I really hope not.....I soon felt my eyes slowly closing and drifted off into sleep.

A/N soooo how was my fanfic? I know I suck at writing so tell me if you wanna read more, and yuppies, bye


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