Just any other day?

19 1 0

Jaelynn's POV
My name is Jaelynn Johnston daughter of the famous record producer Jamir Johnston and fashion designer Lynda Johnston I'm 19 years old and I still live in the same house as my parents because I'm a student at Florida State University but I don't live on campus. So anyway enough about me lol.So today started of very normal and I would've never thought it would've ended up the way it did. I woke up and got in the shower brushed my teeth and I got a text from my best friend Amyah
Amyah: Yo Jae
Me: Hey boo
Amyah: Wyd today?
Me: Oh nothing going to the studio with my dad,hbu?
Amyah: that's fun! Nothing make sure you're free tonight!!!!
Me: why is that?
Amyah: 😌
Amyah: it's just a party Jae and your definitely coming with me!!!
Me: No I don't want to
Amyah: Whyy you really need to break out your shell!
Me: fine I guess I'll see you later
Amyah: Great! I'll be at your house at 9:00
Me: Okay.

Amyah is known for being a little crazy and out there. Me on the other hand I tend to be a little bit shy unless I'm comfortable around you. So anyway I go back to getting dressed I just throw on some black ripped jeans, a cropped hoodie, and some Jordan's. I didn't do much to my hair it naturally has a loose curly look to it so I just wore it out. I don't usually wear a lot of make up just eyeliner,mascara,and lipgloss for the day. I grab my phone,charger,and purse and head out the door to downstairs. The first place I head to is the kitchen where my mom,dad,and my 16 year old brother mason are. "Good morning ma" I say as I give her a kiss on the cheek. "Hi baby" she said. "Hey daddy" I said as I went to give him a hug. "Hey my angel" he said. "Wassup bro" I said as I gave him a nice punch in the arm ( we just play around like that). "Oh yeah I'm definitely getting you back for that one later" he said. "Are you ready to go to work with daddy today princess?" My dad said. "Yup even though I'll just be sitting around." I said jokingly. " Jae you know I want you to learn a lot about this industry it can be cut throat and if the day ever comes that you decide to showcase your talent you'll be ready!". Yeah so I can sing a little bit. To me it's really not a big deal because I want to be a nurse and I don't think I want to get wrapped in all the music industry business. My dad thinks I should so when I'm not doing anything he makes me go to the studio with him to hang out and maybe learn some things. Since I've been around it my whole life it's not really as interesting as you might think to go into a big music studio but it's cool I guess I have met a lot of cool people, some I even consider family but it's usually just the same people. "Okay I'm ready" I said as I grabbed a water out the fridge. "Alright let's go bye guys!" My dad said as he kissed my mom and grabbed his keys.

We pull up to the studio and my dad immediately heads to one of the rooms and I hung in the game room like I usually do just on the computer or my phone wasting time. I heard the buzzer ring so I walked up to the security desk and I don't know where Chris the studios security guard was so I looked at the screen and saw a tall brown skin guy with about 3 other guys all standing there. I've never seen him before so I pressed on the intercom button and said " hello how may I help you?". He pressed on the button and responded " Yes I'm here for the 3:30 in studio C". I looked at the chart and saw it said B. Smyth for that scheduled time so I guess he was B. and I buzzed them in. They all came in and headed straight for the door and I'm looking like I know they all didn't just walk past me like I don't exist. So the one tall one that spoke to me through the intercom started walking up to me. Wow he's cuter in person. "Hello" I said with probably the dumbest smile on my face. He looked up and gave me this cute little grin and said "Good afternoon sweetheart". I swear I almost died. He must've been here before because he just started to sign the clipboard to verify that he was here on time, I've never seen him before. "What's your name by the way?" He said after he was done. "Jaelynn" I said. "Jaelynn Johnston?" He replied. I was a little confused as to how he knew my name but I just was like "yeah,how'd you know?". "Your dad has pictures of your family all around here and how could I forget a beautiful smile like that?". Now I'm full on blushing. "Well thank you,and what's your name?". He said "B.smyth" while tapping on the clipboard where his name was and I gave a confused look. He grinned again and said " You can call me Brandon". " well Brandon, have a nice session and I guess I'll see you around." Wow I'm shocked I got that whole sentence out without rambling.

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