How it All Began

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It was Friday morning, second week into the summer holidays, the day our world came crashing down. It had started, like every other day that week. I was sat at the table eating Coco Pops, while playing on my Phone and watching the telly. Noah my younger brother was led on the sofa reading a comic and my younger sister Bella was sat on the floor playing with the latest Barbie doll. The newsreader on the telly was talking about the global economy, there was something on about a local building firm going bust; I tuned out at this point and opened up the Facebook app on my phone. I had no need to listen to that, dad owns a building firm, a pretty big one actually, and it wouldn't be him he keeps talking about how well things are going.

There was a knock at the front door. “Vanessa” called my mum from upstairs, “can you get that?”

“If I have to” I called back. I shuffled off my seat and made my way to the front door.

“Hello sweetie, is your Mum or Dad home?” I eyed him up and down, how dare he call me that, he looked older than my dad. I nodded, “Mum” I called loudly up the stairs. “There’s a man hear to see you.”

Mum came down the stairs with her arms full of dirty washing, “here” she said handing them to me. “Put these in the Washing Machine, while I see what this man wants.” I walked through the lounge into the kitchen and put the washing in the machine, I opened the cupboard to look for the washing powder but it was empty, I closed the cupboard and made my way back into the hallway to ask mum if we had anymore. This time there where three men, the man who had knocked on door was stood in the hallway with a clipboard writing things down the other two where taking computer equipment out of dads office. Mum was sat on the stairs with her head between her knees crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2011 ⏰

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