Prolouge part 1 - The Breakup

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10th August 2020

Narrators POV

Breaking News: Entertainment

Fifth harmony have announced on twitter that they are going to break up on the 27th of September, where they will be performing in the Dodgers stadium for the last time as a quintet. Their reason is on a twitlonger link which they said that "we have been together as a group for a long time and we feel that the industry has taken a toll on us as a whole. As Individuals we have decided to move onto explore different things, and we all want to say thank you for this amazing opportunity and helping us to be as successful as we were." Thank you for watching the news

Earlier that day

Normani's POV

"5H meeting Now" I called for everyone to come over. I was petrified to tell them but yet confident that I wanted to leave fifth harmony to make some dance schools around Houston. We all (but Dinah) sat round our glass table in the living room in our house in Santa Monica.

Camila started off by shouting "Dinah Hurry up we don't have all day to wait for you". I start off "Finally you are here, but the main reason I called this meeting is to address our issue with our songs, I feel like as a band we are "going nowhere" with our lyrics and we have addressed the same topic with too many different songs." Ally almost literally blurted out "I feel I have permanent writers block when it comes to writing lyrics", Camila added "I can't write to save me right now".

That frustrated me a lot due to her making her own music which the four of us found out from Twitter. I wanted to slap that girl into next week, if I could and if I chose not to control my temper.

Dinah angrily replied "What Bullshit is coming out of your mouth Camila?!, your lyrics are good as a rough draft but it is full of sassy crap, which is nothing like you or Ally." "Dinah, Language" Ally literally shouted just to try and quieten down our conversation.

Lauren and I left soon after in between Dinah and Camila arguing about Camilas lyrics, which were in her diary, which we looked through without her permission.

We had returned to them arguing still after ten minutes. "SHUT UP!!!! Both of you sound like petty eight year olds arguing with their mother." I shouted, "I think the neighbors probably heard that" Lauren sarcastically joked. "Good, Secondly, we have won every single award that is possible right now, that we are eligible for, what is there to aim for?" I nervously said in the short window of silence we had before it became awkward. Lauren replied "I do not know, we are the biggest girl band in the world right now (which has been true for at least 5 years)", "we all have a plan right now, if we did decide to disband." Camila added. I knew out of anyone Camila would be the one to suggest disbanding due to the reason given above.

Hesitantly Lauren said "I think this is the best idea" There was an an awkward tense silence which everybody decided to comprehend what just happened in that moment. I was Shocked that Lauren was the one who said that but I honestly agree with this. She sounded the least confident on what to do if this did go through. Dinah broke the silence saying "If this is the case, everybody has to agree, not the majority of us." I nervously replied saying that is "three of us agree so far" then breaking into tears after saying that. I ran into my bedroom afterwards crying my eyes out after realizing what I said.

Ally came up to me straight afterwards with a box of tissues hugging my back. "Mani it is ok, at least you have realized what this means, as long as you are sure about your decision." the shorter woman softly said. I replied by saying "I am 100 per-cent sure about ... ... my choice," breaking into more tears whilst saying that phrase. "Do you want to leave with the rest of us, Ally?" I nervously asked her for her honest opinion. "Mani, don't worry about me, I am ready to to open my bakery any time soon, this timing for me is perfect, considering there is a recently closed restaurant near my house, I do not know if Dinah wants to leave or if she has a plan at all."

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