Chapter One

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So this is my first EVER fanfiction. Hopefully it will be perfect on the grammar side, but if I get anything wrong don't hesitate to tell me. Thanks guys, enjoy ;)

3rd Person

"CASPAR! What the bloody hell was that for? Nutter." Joe shouted playfully at Caspar, who has just tipped a bucket of freezing cold water in Joe's bath.
"Sorry Joe, but after your last prank I think you deserved that." Caspar shouted back down the stairs of their apartment
"Caspar, I hate you, I'm bloody freezing now!"
Caspar laughed, and went to do some editing.

Joe dried himself, sorted out his hair and threw some 'inside clothes' on. He sat down on his bed and sighed, thinking about his happy, funny, beautiful roommate. He adored Caspar, and just wish he could tell him that he had feelings for him. Feelings that were more than simply best friends. But he couldn't, it was too difficult.

The next day

Caspar was sat on the couch playing FIFA, and Joe was trying to do tricks on his segway.
"Come on, come on.. YES!" Caspar screamed at the TV screen as he scored a goal. He turned around to see Joe frozen in a handstand on his segway. It started moving forward slowly.
"Careful Joe" Caspar said as he got up to get closer to Joe, so he wouldn't fall. Caspar turned around as he heard his phone buzz, and then a crash and a loud cry of pain.
"Joe!" Caspar said as he saw his best friend on the floor with lots of blood poring from his nose.
"Oh my god, stay there I'm gonna get the first aid kit."
"Please hurry, Caspar" Joe wheezed, clearly winded by the fall.

After 20 minutes Caspar had patched up his roommate and cleaned the blood from the floor.
"Well at least the segway isn't broken" Joe joked with a small laugh. He got up, instantly felt horribly dizzy and fell forwards. Caspar caught his friend, and put him back on the seat he was sitting on.
"You better come lie down. Come on, buddy, down we go." Caspar said in his soothing voice, and helped Joe down the stairs to his bed.

"Thanks Casp" Joe said in an exhausted quiet voice.
"You're welcome buddy." Caspar said in reply as he sat down with his friend on the bed. "Keep breathing we don't want you fainting at all." He said. Joe breathed steadily as Caspar started to get up.
"Don't go yet, Casp." Joe asked his tall friend who looked back at Joe. Joe was staring into Caspar's eyes, wide puppy-like orbs gazing at him. "Please".
"Ok Joe. C'mere mate" Caspar wrapped the older boy in a warm hug.
Now is your chance, Joe. Come on you coward, you have to tell him. Joe thought to himself as he was still buried into Caspar's chest.

"Hey, uhh, Caspar?" He said, moving back from Caspar
"What's up?" The taller boy asked his best friend with genuine care in his voice.
Joe, looking into his eyes, his beautiful eyes, replied "I.. I think I uhh.. umm.." Joe was struggling and stuttering. Caspar didn't say anything, just raised his eyebrows questioningly. "I might be.. I." Joe let out a massive groan and sighed. "Right.. I love you, Caspar" Caspar just stared back thoughtfully. Shit he hates me. Damnit Joe what the fuck did you do that for? Joe thought again to himself.

Caspar smiled. Just smiled, at his friend, and gave him another caring hug. Caspar heard Joe quietly crying into his shoulder.
"It's ok Joe. Don't cry. I don't mind. I still think of you as my best friend in the world. That won't ever change. Get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow, buddy." Caspar got up and walked out into the hallway, and called back "I love you." But clearly not in the same way as Joe loved Caspar.
"Love you too." Joe whispered to himself. He layed down and quietly fell asleep.

Ok so I hope you liked my first chapter. I will try and make it a bit more exciting in future chapters. I will be changing the person and POV throughout chapters aswell. That was my first ever chapter and please don't hesitate to give corrections and improvements. Thanks guys x.

Difficult - A Jaspar Fanfiction  (Caspar Lee X Joe Sugg)Where stories live. Discover now